Everyone gets different interior!

Hey guys!

I have this huge problem. Who ever is joining to my server cant see me, or anyone. Same to me. When i do /stats i can see what interior im in, its totally random, sometime 0 sometimes 3 sometimes random. But sometimes me and other player have same interior in /stats but we still cant see eachother. Thats REALLY annoying. Exept if i relog, i can see him some time and sometime not, ahhh this is serious...

Before someone sayd to add OnPlayerSpawn SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0) and after /tutorial also, but it didnt work.

And someone sayd that i need to change maybe OnPlayerUpdate to something OnPlayerStatUpdate or something, i didnt actually understanded him..

I need to fix this or i cant go on with my Gamemode! Please anyone who haves any idea how to fix it tell me

Ask in the Godfather and/or PEN1 gamemode.

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