Freezed money

Hey everyone!

I have this maybe tiny maybe huge problem. When i login to my server, i have 0$ and when i do /money or /givemoney [id] [amount] nothing happens. I mean command works fine but i wont get money. Then at payday it says "Your dept is -347484563512534$" something like that and it keeps growing every payday. Biggest problem is that I DONT REMEMBER what script i edited or what did i do wrong. Cause i edited multible scripts at once, without testing them one by one. Well i know its something about my money system. Im using pCash serversided money, now i tryed to change all back to normal (GetPlayerPCash--> GetPlayerMoney etc.) then i logged in i got like 2milj money, and when i did /money or /givemoney again, the money resets it back to 2milj.

Im so confused. I have over 40 000 lines and i dont know where to start searching for problem. If anyone have's idea where to search or any help at all, ill appreticate that alot. Thanks guys!

search for /money.

something like giveplayercash
or setplayercash

and usually if its over 10 digets of money it goes into the minus

You mean SetPlayerPCash etc. ?

I mean my money is Freezed, no + no - just 0$ it stays whatever i do.

setplayercash (playerid) %

im actually not too sure right now ill look into it later...

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