checkpoint id?

Hi (I downloaded a checkpoint streamer and it works)

But i've a problem with my checkpoints because my checkpoint always get lost if i entered it, so i need a checkpoint that is being there forever. But there aren't any parameters for setting. How can i set this checkpoint?
I thought of some checkpoint ID's i could use but i didn't found it.

Hope someone can help me pls.

Originally Posted by nesty
Hi (I downloaded a checkpoint streamer and it works)

But i've a problem with my checkpoints because my checkpoint always get lost if i entered it, so i need a checkpoint that is being there forever. But there aren't any parameters for setting. How can i set this checkpoint?
I thought of some checkpoint ID's i could use but i didn't found it.

Hope someone can help me pls.
you can only show 1 checkpoint at the time.
But you can use a streamer that shows the closest checkpoint
That link that you posted is a tutorial for the checkpoint system from Mike.
Download link is included with that site.

Thanks but i knew this.
My exactly problem:
if i go into the checkpoint infront of the pd i'll teleported to the interior i want and when i go into the checkpoint in this interior i get teleportet back infront of the pd. But the checkpoint to this interior is lost then so i've to go 100 meters away till i can see the checkpoint again and can use it. (i set the viewdistance to 100.0) Ok i could set the viewdistance to 1 but then nobody could see the checkpoint if you are far away. Hope u understand me ?

Originally Posted by nesty
Thanks but i knew this.
My exactly problem:
if i go into the checkpoint infront of the pd i'll teleported to the interior i want and when i go into the checkpoint in this interior i get teleportet back infront of the pd. But the checkpoint to this interior is lost then so i've to go 100 meters away till i can see the checkpoint again and can use it. (i set the viewdistance to 100.0) Ok i could set the viewdistance to 1 but then nobody could see the checkpoint if you are far away. Hope u understand me ?
Oh, now i get you, you can use another checkpoint stream, search the forum, maybe the one on the link you posted hasn't got that yet, i think

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