anti-money hack versus money hack impossibility(?)

ok, i have this question for you people.

why am i see hundreds of scripts with ANTI-money hack, while you can make it impossible to hack.

instead of having script kiddies ( yes, not hackers, u should know that ) their money and then banned, make it impossible to hack it.

u dont have to tell me its impossible, because i choose the second method.(that makes money hack impossible to hack)

so question 1: why are scripters/programmers still using anti-money hack, instead of the other.

question 2: since variables are server sided, why not replace all client variables with server side variables,
it would have advantages and disadvantages:

no hack on variable possible, (variable processed on server)
more power in script, since u can change all variables seperately

MIGHT reduce performace
increases script filesize(ses)

so my burning question is: why anti, when there is impossibility?

Originally Posted by maij
ok, i have this question for you people.

why am i see hundreds of scripts with ANTI-money hack, while you can make it impossible to hack.

instead of having script kiddies ( yes, not hackers, u should know that ) their money and then banned, make it impossible to hack it.

u dont have to tell me its impossible, because i choose the second method.(that makes money hack impossible to hack)

so question 1: why are scripters/programmers still using anti-money hack, instead of the other.

question 2: since variables are server sided, why not replace all client variables with server side variables,
it would have advantages and disadvantages:

no hack on variable possible, (variable processed on server)
more power in script, since u can change all variables seperately

MIGHT reduce performace
increases script filesize(ses)

so my burning question is: why anti, when there is impossibility?
From what I have seen Anti cheat Blocks the cheat, and the other method is you just make it impossible but the thing is the Soda Machines etc give you stuff for free. Thats why people go for Anti-Cheat that's what i think

i dont quite understand what u mean.

soda machines?

oh wait i get it.

yes when making impossible, u should always counter up the holes, things like the soda machine, and tuneshop.

if users cannot fill those problem up,they MOSTLY have a lack on experience in my opinion.

i get ur point, so basicly its just people are too lazy to fix the leaks, like tuneshops and soda machines?

anti-cheat doesnt block, but correct.

after the cheat has been done, the money is already changed , otherwise it wouldnt be detected.
but it get changed back to the original value afterwards.(or not, depends on anti-cheat)

Well its not the Leaks of Impossibility to hack but the lack of it detecting when a player is using a Game option such as Transfender/Soda & Candy Machines etc...
So thats why Anti-Cheat is better then Impossibility to hack due to its capability to detect when the player is cheating.

but now: what would happen if u combine those?

u would be able to find things like tuneshop, and soda machine, and if its normal, then apply it,

what lack of detection?
like i said before, u simply need to cover those flauds up. which i would do om onplayerstatechange (well money).

with this, paintjobs and such, actualy do get covered up, and clears all flauds u are worrying about.

its kinda possible to make it in samp, its kinda impossible to do it with less programming/scripting experience.

notice that transfenders and such are in a specified interior world, so u can use that in ur flaud detection.

like i said, there is no lack of detection unless u want it to be there.

maybe people just dont know it, but most of them are dependent on standard callbacks, while there are so many more u can create just by combining them.

I just do a simple check if their money is greater than how much the server thinks it is set it down, but if it is lower then set the server variable to that amount, makes it so sprunk machines still work.

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