01.04.2009, 22:15
Hello im looking for scripters who can help me make a GM thats bases in SF and LS i am looking for scritpers who can Script and wants to do it for free when the script is done i will start a server and make each scripter admins and i also will make the script NOT creded to me BUT to the scripters so all the credits will go to the scripters and they will have the rights to the scipt i just need two scipters that kown how to script and want to take part i have all the ideas and info that they will need for the script so if you are intrested Either post here or if you want contact me at nathanb672@hotmail.com
((my bad if this is the worng spot did not kown if it wroud go well in the script request section or here But since im not requesting a script i guessed here ))
((my bad if this is the worng spot did not kown if it wroud go well in the script request section or here But since im not requesting a script i guessed here ))