GOOOD Checkpoint Streamer

Does anyone know of a GOOD checkpoint streamer that WORKS??

tried CPS - if go go into an interior with a checkpoint, the checkpoint to leave doesn't appear
tried TCP - checkpoints only appear for ONE person in the server (first one in - id 0)
tried more etc.....

can someone post one that works? thanks!

the one in LVDMOD? Simple, working, streamer. I have used it for years.. yes.. years.

Originally Posted by Pghpumpkin
the one in LVDMOD? Simple, working, streamer. I have used it for years.. yes.. years.
LVMOD link = dead

not being a dick, but if u thought about how a cp streamer would work, i bet u could figure out how to code one.

a cpstreamer basically runs a timer every second or so, and it says:
Get The Player Pos
Now Look through this array of cp's
Get the cp closest to this players' pos
Show that cp

So now that u know that, think about what the code would say. and maybe try to make ur own

i actually found Matraka's Checkpoint Streamer, it works 100% and i havent had 1 problem with it, so for now im gona stick with it!

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