Help (include: dini).

i need help in dini.
i know how to use it, but i dont successful.
plz! give me example - how to use it right.

lets say i want to do property.
i did like the guide but i dont seccessful, what i need to put in the command so that will be worke?*

*if i have spelling mistake plz, forgive me. i dont know so good english

thenk you!

There are hundreds of applications for dini, if you have a specific script with a specific problem (error), post it here and we can advise you how to fix it. Other than that I suggest you look at other scripts that use Dini... It has a broad range of functions, and for us to explain them all would be pointless as there's already a topic devoted to this.


i look other script, i did like other script and its not work.
i dont have error, i have a register system, and by this system i try to do my script.

i failed.

so, give me example how to use it right, tell me what to put in the command (i want buy something and i want its will be saved, what put in this command?)

thenk you.

again: *if i have spelling mistake plz, forgive me. i dont know so good english Smiley

If you look at that tutorial it has examples for virtually every ini function it provides.

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