Troubleshooting running a Linux Server

Alright, So I'm trying to start up this SA:MP server, and having SOME good luck, I've got the actual Ubuntu: Server Edition running MySQL, a FTP server, and Webmin. It all works like it should, but i'm having trouble running the server. I will navigate to the directory of SAMP and run:

./samp02Xsvr &

but I get no output, I tried running it in webmin using the command shell and as a custom command and it replies with "No Output Returned". The server does not appear when I try to connect to it over a LAN so it's not the firewall, and the ports are all forwarded correctly. Maybe because the home directory it's stored in is that of a normal user as opposed to an administrator? But I even try to run it using "sudo" and get the same result.

The server is also failing to open the two linux MySQL plugins, any ideas? I have the plugins line in the server.cfg and the two .so files are in a sub-directory named "plugins" but the log says it failed to load them.

Any help is appreciated, if you need more information then let me know.

What OS have the plugins been compiled on?

nohup ./serverexe &

I just got the original .so linux plugins, I didn't compile them myself.

And that command doesn't exist, the nohup thing with my file doesn't work either.

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