Pawno Help Topics

Anyone know if there is/ where i can find the help topics for PAWNO? the tab in PAWNO/Help/Help Topics F1 dosent do anything, I need to read the help topics to try and find out the error i got that noone on this forum seems to know about nor fix :/

*Edit* I have allready searched the net and found nothing.

there isnt a built in help system you have to check the wiki

What help you need for Pawno? Just write your code and press F5 to compile.

Originally Posted by wiZaK
I need to read the help topics to try and find out the error i got that noone on this forum seems to know about nor fix :/

*Edit* I have allready searched the net and found nothing.
Ohh you mean the Pawn language? Learn to search then :P

No, got a error with script that i posted in this forum that noone could explain and the the scripts ppl posted to help, were not compatible with my script and gave major error on my the whole script.

Have you at least tried to search for "Pawn language" ?

yes and i cant find what "*then" means in the script, I get error 001: expected token "*then", but found "-identifier-" I dont know what that means n that context, and noone else seems to ehiter, So pretty much in dead water :/.

xD thats easy
that means just put a "*then on the end of line m8

whenever its an error like that just put the excepted at the end of hte liine specified

hope it helps =]

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