02.03.2009, 03:47
Hello people of SA-MP,
I come to you all with a simple problem. Here's what I can't seem to find on the forums. I have searched and searched and searched for how to separate text into two separate lines when a certain amount of letters are used. If any of you have played on LS-RP, you will know what I mean. For those who haven't, here is a screenshot of what I am.

That is what I am trying to do, I have searched around with no luck. I guess I don't know what keywords to search for. I have tried split, spliting, split rules, spliting rules, etc. I have searched with no success and that is why I am posting, in hope that someone will be able to help me out with this small problem of mine.
Can someone either guide me to a place on the forums that will actually assist with this problem or can someone work with me to script this up or can someone just post what I need on this post. Thank you for your time!
I come to you all with a simple problem. Here's what I can't seem to find on the forums. I have searched and searched and searched for how to separate text into two separate lines when a certain amount of letters are used. If any of you have played on LS-RP, you will know what I mean. For those who haven't, here is a screenshot of what I am.

That is what I am trying to do, I have searched around with no luck. I guess I don't know what keywords to search for. I have tried split, spliting, split rules, spliting rules, etc. I have searched with no success and that is why I am posting, in hope that someone will be able to help me out with this small problem of mine.
Can someone either guide me to a place on the forums that will actually assist with this problem or can someone work with me to script this up or can someone just post what I need on this post. Thank you for your time!