Need help with text

Hi there.

How do i place a Text where I want? I don't really unterstand it.

Thx 4 Help


You maybe also want to try GameTextForPlayer with ~n~?

You can use GameText:

pawn Код:
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "HERE YOUR TEXT");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, TIME(3000 = 3 seconds ;-)), STYLE(1-6));
Or You use a TextDraw:

pawn Код:
If you want to use a TextDraw you just search for "TextDraw Editor" and download it and try a little bit

DarkSnow, by gametext you can't make it at a position YOU want. You have to stick on the positions there are available.

Kay sorry i didnt understand english so good
But you can doo it a little bit down but not where you want okay

And you don't need
pawn Код:
new string[256];
it's definitly a waste of space, and if you want to show a text you can also use "text here" instead of formatting a string. If you want to use a player's name then you would need to format a string.

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