[Request] Host

Hey fellows!

As you already might know I've been working with my brand new RP GM for a couple of months now , and I had a guy that hosted it for me , but he just betrayed me but he can't use that script anymore which is good!
So now I need someone that's willing to host my server for free since I don't got any money!
If you host my RP server you will be getting admin levels and fully authorized to everything!
Please reply to this if you can and want to help me out!

Cheers / Jax

You can get hosting for cheap. Otherwise, ask a friend because nobody is going to host it for free.

Originally Posted by Jonte92
Hey fellows!

As you already might know I've been working with my brand new RP GM for a couple of months now , and I had a guy that hosted it for me , but he just betrayed me but he can't use that script anymore which is good!
So now I need someone that's willing to host my server for free since I don't got any money!
If you host my RP server you will be getting admin levels and fully authorized to everything!
Please reply to this if you can and want to help me out!

Cheers / Jax

Originally Posted by will_92
Originally Posted by Jonte92
Hey fellows!

As you already might know I've been working with my brand new RP GM for a couple of months now , and I had a guy that hosted it for me , but he just betrayed me but he can't use that script anymore which is good!
So now I need someone that's willing to host my server for free since I don't got any money!
If you host my RP server you will be getting admin levels and fully authorized to everything!
Please reply to this if you can and want to help me out!

Cheers / Jax
Originally Posted by backwardsman97
You can get hosting for cheap. Otherwise, ask a friend because nobody is going to host it for free.


Why do you reply if you can't offer free hosting.

Check http://skyhost-samp.co.uk , Their site isn't done yet, wait for a week or two, maybe more...

I woudln't reccomend SkyHost,

1) They are using home hosted pc's
2) The owner steals files from servers hosted there
3) He also runs his normal home pc from the pc hes hosting you're game on
4) It's not the best of all pc's

Just get some cash and pay for a normal host

And how do you know all that stuff?

EDIT: If Ashley sayed that, my opinion is to not get host from them then.

Becuase I've heared about this host before from a number of people, and even tried it out a while ago. and got my files nicked.

Also, c'mon, he can't be that much of a good server host if he has to host his website on a free host (000webhost.com)


ROFL, host a server from a home computer, the players on the server reach up to 3 and the servers gets pings 500/1000, good luck to whom is going to use that shitty free host.

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