16.03.2019, 17:37
Hello, recently bought a new VPS. First, I run sa-mp server with the default gamemode(grand larceny) and settings and it worked, then when I put my gamemode transferred from another CentOS 7 linux server(where it worked fine) I got this crash:
Seems that all plugins are loading fine...or not?
I don't get it, what can it be?
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
PHP Code:
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[19:16:45] bind = "" (string)
[19:16:45] password = "" (string)
[19:16:45] filterscripts = "" (string)
[19:16:45] Server Plugins
[19:16:45] --------------
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] CrashDetect plugin 4.19.4
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: timerfix.so
[19:16:45] Timer Fix plugin v1.0.8 by KashCherry loaded.
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: chrono-static.so
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[19:16:45] >> plugin.mysql: R41-4 successfully loaded.
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so
[19:16:45] ==================
[19:16:45] Whirlpool loaded
[19:16:45] ==================
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[19:16:45] ===============================
[19:16:45] sscanf plugin loaded.
[19:16:45] Version: 2.8.3
[19:16:45] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[19:16:45] ===============================
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: streamer.so
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[19:16:45] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[19:16:45] Loaded.
[19:16:45] Loaded 8 plugins.
[19:16:45] Filterscripts
[19:16:45] ---------------
[19:16:45] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[19:16:45] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[19:16:45] [debug] Native backtrace:
[19:16:45] [debug] #0 f74228b6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () in plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] #1 f741a120 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] #2 f741a886 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] #3 f741af96 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] #4 f7421f82 in ?? () in plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] #5 f7788410 in ?? ()
[19:16:45] [debug] #6 0831b4d8 in ?? ()
[19:16:45] [debug] #7 08098208 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] #8 080d60e1 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] #9 080a4f0b in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] #10 080ab922 in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] #11 080aa0fd in ?? () in ./samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] #12 f74651c3 in __libc_start_main () in /lib/libc.so.6
[19:16:45] [debug] Registers:
[19:16:45] [debug] EAX: 0831b4d8 EBX: f57fd7f0 ECX: f57fd7f0 EDX: ffd0595c
[19:16:45] [debug] ESI: 00000000 EDI: 08624668 EBP: ffd05928 ESP: ffd058ec
[19:16:45] [debug] EIP: 0831b4d8 EFLAGS: 00210246
[19:16:45] [debug] Stack:
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000000: f5772676 08624668 ffd0595c 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000020: 08094f2b 00000000 00000001 00000067
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000040: 08098208 08624668 ffd0595c 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000060: 00000000 00000002 00000020 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000080: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 00000000 00000000 f7792abd f745e324
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000000c0: f7631268 00000000 f77abfbc f744d3b4
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000000e0: f74c42c5 00000000 ffd05a00 f763160c
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000100: 00000000 00000000 f75490b8 f7612000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000120: f7612000 08624774 f76108c0 086246e0
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000140: 00000000 08048950 00000001 f7612000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000160: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000180: f74c000f 000007d4 f7610260 086246e0
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000001a0: f74bf58b 00000007 f70ce000 00001000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000001c0: f7610a34 08049c09 f77ac900 00000003
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000001e0: f74c0219 086246e0 086246e0 f76108c0
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000200: 00000000 f7612000 00001000 f7542d86
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000220: 00000001 086246e0 00000000 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000240: f74c11fe 086246e0 f4be0008 03879958
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000260: f74b1644 00000000 00000000 03879958
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000280: ffd05b90 086246e0 f1367008 ffd05be8
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000002a0: 086246e0 03879958 0808f1e0 00080002
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000002c0: 000a8dcc 00000038 00002900 00003508
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000002e0: 00000000 081ca500 081527bb 00000001
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000300: 080a4f0b 08624668 081aa7a0 00000068
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000320: 08323368 08323368 08624668 ffd05c38
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000340: 08323368 08323368 08159b76 ffd05d78
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000360: 08159d0d 00000000 00000000 00000010
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+00000380: f7709026 f775e838 f775557c f7756c38
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 016debb1 656d6167 65646f6d f7003531
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000003c0: f76ded20 f775dd44 f775ddb0 f776b5c0
[19:16:45] [debug] ESP+000003e0: f76cedb8 080aa260 00000000 00000000
[19:16:45] [debug] Loaded modules:
[19:16:45] [debug] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr
[19:16:45] [debug] f778a000 - f778a530
[19:16:45] [debug] f777b000 - f777d674 /lib/libdl.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f7760000 - f7779abf /lib/libpthread.so.0
[19:16:45] [debug] f7674000 - f7765e88 /lib/libstdc++.so.6
[19:16:45] [debug] f7632000 - f76731f0 /lib/libm.so.6
[19:16:45] [debug] f7616000 - f762f6f8 /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f744b000 - f761d25f /lib/libc.so.6
[19:16:45] [debug] f7789000 - f77ac070 /lib/ld-linux.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f7403000 - f74473ac plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f72b7000 - f740b9dc plugins/timerfix.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f7151000 - f72b94ad plugins/chrono-static.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f70f2000 - f7150aec plugins/mysql.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f70cf000 - f70f0108 /root/samp03/plugins/../log-core.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f70bf000 - f70c5d90 /lib/librt.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f6dd5000 - f70c3a68 /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.18
[19:16:45] [debug] f6dbe000 - f6dd2efc /lib/libz.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f6d55000 - f6dbf1dc /lib/libssl.so.10
[19:16:45] [debug] f6b6b000 - f6d6cf08 /lib/libcrypto.so.10
[19:16:45] [debug] f6b20000 - f6b6ac10 /lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f6a49000 - f6b27618 /lib/libkrb5.so.3
[19:16:45] [debug] f7781000 - f778373d /lib/libcom_err.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f6a14000 - f6a4771c /lib/libk5crypto.so.3
[19:16:45] [debug] f69fb000 - f6a12c4c /lib/libresolv.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f69eb000 - f69f96cc /lib/libkrb5support.so.0
[19:16:45] [debug] f69e6000 - f69e8c38 /lib/libkeyutils.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f69bf000 - f69e4ea0 /lib/libselinux.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f695a000 - f69bd584 /lib/libpcre.so.1
[19:16:45] [debug] f5945000 - f5956730 /lib/libnss_files.so.2
[19:16:45] [debug] f593b000 - f59437c4 plugins/Whirlpool.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f592a000 - f59399b4 plugins/sscanf.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f573a000 - f57ff740 plugins/streamer.so
[19:16:45] [debug] f5655000 - f573cb50 plugins/pawncmd.so
I don't get it, what can it be?
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!