02.12.2018, 19:03
I have problem, how fix this ?
error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerPoolSize"
warning 214: possibly a "const" array argument was intended: "name"
warning 214: possibly a "const" array argument was intended: "string"
I have problem, how fix this ?
error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerPoolSize"
forward SecondUpdate(); public SecondUpdate() { for(new playerid, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); playerid <= j; playerid++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(Player[playerid][ShowMouse]) { ShowPlayerMouse(playerid, true); } } } return 1; }
stock IsRPName(name[], minname = 3, bool:firstupperthenlower = true) //By Nickk888 { new count, checknumcount, where, tmpname[24], tmpsname[24]; new len = strlen(name); for(new i; i < len; i++) { if(name[i] == '_') count++, where = i; switch(name[i]) { case 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_': checknumcount++; } } if(count != 1 || (where < minname || len < ((where + 1) + minname)) || checknumcount != len) return 0; strmid(tmpname, name, 0, where); strmid(tmpsname, name, where+1, len); checknumcount = 0; if(firstupperthenlower) { switch(tmpname[0]) { case 'A'..'Z': checknumcount++; } for(new i = 1, j = strlen(tmpname); i < j; i++){ switch(tmpname[i]) { case 'a'..'z': checknumcount++; } } switch(tmpsname[0]) { case 'A'..'Z': checknumcount++; } for(new i = 1, j = strlen(tmpsname); i < j; i++){ switch(tmpsname[i]) { case 'a'..'z': checknumcount++; } } if((checknumcount + 1) != len) return 0; } return 1; }
stock bool:IsStrValid(string[]) { new num; new len = strlen(string); for(new i; i < len; i++) switch(string[i]) { case 'A'..'Z':num++; case 'a'..'z':num++; case '0'..'9':num++; } if(num == len) return true; else return false; }