progressbar fill

Hello! I have a problem with the progressbar, it turns out that I need to increase every 10 seconds by 10%, but only by 1 time.

new TimeBar[MAX_PLAYERS];

forward Cant(playerid);
public Cant(playerid)
	new	Work_Cant[MAX_PLAYERS];
	Work_Cant[playerid] ++;
	SetProgressBarValue(WorkBar[playerid], Work_Cant[playerid]);
	UpdateProgressBar(WorkBar[playerid], playerid);
	return 1;

// timer:

TimeBar[playerid] = SetTimer("Cant", 1000, 1);

dont use timer inside local callback which u are calling through same timer wtf

pawn Код:
new TimeBar[MAX_PLAYERS],
    Work_Cant[MAX_PLAYERS]; //you have to use it globally cuz it will reset if u use inside timer

TimeBar[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Cant", 10 * 1000, true, "i", playerid); //add this when you want to start timer 10 sec timer

forward Cant(playerid);
public Cant(playerid)
    Work_Cant[playerid] += 10; //Adding 10 Percent
    SetProgressBarValue(WorkBar[playerid], Work_Cant[playerid]); //Now lets set it on progress bar
    UpdateProgressBar(WorkBar[playerid], playerid); //updating it
    if(Work_Cant[playerid] == 100) //when it reaches 100 percent
        RemoveProgressBar(WorkBar[playerid]); //removes progressbar not sure if its right function
        World_Cant[playerid] = 0; //reseting it to 0
        KillTimer(TimerBar[playerid]); //now we kill the timer
    return 1;
now make sure to reset everything once the timer ends

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