Problem Help Please [+REP For Helper]

hi guys so i was working on my Familly System , so i want to if the clan slots are full no one can create familly anymore , here is my code :
        #define MAX_FAMS 5
        new fid;
	for(new i=0; i != MAX_FAMS; i++)
	  if(FamStat[i][FamName]) { continue; } else
	   fid = i;

    if(fid > MAX_GANGS) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffffffff, "No More Empty Slot , Try Again Later");
so , if a familly has name it will go to next one and it should work like this : if there was a empty slot (no name = empty) fid = i; (i will use fid for the familly id) but now, even if it is not empty, it will be replaced by familly who has 0 ID ! i mean it will replace with the first fam can you please edit this code along with an explanation ? thnx guys !

pawn Код:
#define isnull(%1) ((!(%1[0])) || (((%1[0]) == '\1') && (!(%1[1])))) //we will use this to check if famname is empty

#define MAX_FAMS 5
        new fid = -1; //lets assume "fid" "-1" because we cannot use 0 as it is already a slot for ur family
        for(new i = 0; i != MAX_FAMS; i++) //loop
            if(isnull(FamStat[i][FamName]))  //this is how we are gonna find out if there is a family with empty name
                fid = i; //changing "fid" variable to fetched id
                break; //breaking the loop
        if(fid == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xffffffff, "No More Empty Slot , Try Again Later"); //if fid is still -1 it means that there were no slot found otherwise it would have fetched an id between 1-5
try this.

I did not try it, but I did it with a general change in the construction of the family, on create family , anyway thnx for your help +reped

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