Convert SQL

How can I convert this SQL to R39+?

PHP код:
mysql_fetch_field_row(DupekeyString[playerid][DupekeyCount[playerid]], "dupekey");

mysql_fetch_row_format fetches the row and splits the result using the delimiter |
Since while loop is used, it means it moves to the next row as you select more than 1 row.

A SELECT query with the "dupekey" column:
pawn Код:
mysql_format(connectionHandle, query, sizeof query, "SELECT dupekey FROM .. WHERE ...", ...);
mysql_tquery(connectionHandle, query, "OnPlayerDupekeyLoad", "i", playerid);
Alter the rest (table name, column names at WHERE clause).

Now you want to retrieve the value in the callback specified (always a public function + forward).
We'll also use a loop as in the old code in case it retrieves multiple rows and counts:
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerDupekeyLoad(playerid);
public OnPlayerDupekeyLoad(playerid)
    // cache_num_rows() is a macro
    for (new i = 0, j = cache_num_rows(); i < j; i++)
        // mysql_fetch_field_row -> cache_get_field_content  
        // native cache_get_field_content(row, const field_name[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len = sizeof(destination));
        cache_get_field_content(i, "dupekey", DupekeyString[playerid][DupekeyCount[playerid]], connectionHandle, 126);
        strcpy(DupekeyName[playerid], DupekeyString[playerid][DupekeyCount[playerid]], 126);
After assigning the text to DupekeyString, you copy the text over to DupekeyName. Strcpy (a macro of strcat) is better than format:
pawn Код:
#if !defined strcpy
    #define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0[0]), %1)

thanks, worked now but I have another problem.

When I open the dialog for the first time, it shows no problem but whenever I open it for second time or third or more, it doubles up (example below)

PHP код:
/* What I mean is like this (dialog):
Username 1
Username 2
Username 3
Now when I reopen the dialog 2nd time:
Username 1
Username 2
Username 3
Username 1
Username 2
Username 3
and so on.
case 6:
strcmp(House[tmpid][tmpowner], PlayerName(playerid), false) && PlayerInfo[playerid][power] < 4) return SendClientError(playerid"You don't own this house!");
mysql_format(sqldbQuerysizeof Query"SELECT * FROM `HouseKeys` WHERE `houseid` = '%d'"tmpid);
0DupekeyCount[playerid]; i++)
format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF0000}[+] {FFFFFF}Create a new key\n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3001,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Manage Duplicate Keys",string,"Select","Cancel");

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