Economy help

Hi guys! If you work as fruiter on my server you earn 2000$, but i want to get it to 200-400$. After all, i want to shrink my server economy, but i don't know how. Could you help me please?
function PayJob(playerid, job)
	new paycheck;
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] != 0)
	    new sumarandom = 100 + random(500);
	    paycheck += sumarandom;

	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Share] > 0)

		paycheck += paycheck / 3 ;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 5)
		paycheck += Salarii[PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob]];
	    paycheck += TruckerInfo[TraseuAles[playerid]][Salariu];

	new bonusskill;
    if(JobEvent == 1)
	    bonusskill += 1000 + random(2000);
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][JobBoost] != 0)
        bonusskill += 1000 + random(5000);
    paycheck += bonusskill;
    if(GoldEvent == 1)
        GoldExecutari[playerid] ++;
        if(GoldExecutari[playerid] == 15)
           SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED,"{FF784E}[Employer]: Inca 5 checkpoints si primesti un gPoint drept recompensa.");
		if(GoldExecutari[playerid] > 19)
            PlayerInfo[playerid][gPoints] += 1;
            GoldExecutari[playerid] = 0;
            SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "{FF784E}[Employer]: Ti-a fost adaugat un punct gPoints in cont.");
	WorkMoney[playerid] += paycheck;
	GiveMoney(playerid, paycheck);
	new stringmoney[256];
	format(stringmoney, 256, "~G~Primit: %s$~N~Total: %s", FormatMoney(paycheck), FormatMoney(WorkMoney[playerid]));
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, stringmoney, 4000,3);
	return 1;

valoarea finala a banilor primiti de tine se stocheaza in variabila paycheck, aici se vede ca sunt si niste bonusuri, de asta primesti mai multi bani, incearca sa vezi cat primeste unul care nu are jobboost, cont premiu etc si unul care are toate bonusurile active, si vezi ce ai putea diminua sau sterge.

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