How to make!

Hi How to I can make If admin level 1 using command /unmuteall and this command only for admins +4level they must send him a message example" This command only for admins +level 4.

PHP код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= && 5)
countstring[120]; // new variables
for(new 0MAX_PLAYERSi++) // loops all the players one-by-one
IsPlayerConnected(i)) // checks if the player is connected
Mute[i] >= 1// if the looped player has a mute time more than 0
count++; // the count will go up
Mute[i] = 0// and the mute time will be set to 0
uname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // this is the name of the sender
GetPlayerName(playeridunamesizeof(uname)); // this will get the playerid (sender)'s name
format(stringsizeof(string), "{FAFF00}[UNMUTED ALL]: %d players have been admin-unmuted by %s (%d)"countunameplayerid); // sets the string to say how many players were unmuted and by who
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFFstring); // sends this global message
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}Wrong command!! {FF0000}Check availables commands from here `{FFFFFF}/cmds{FF0000}`.");


I just want example If admin an level +1 - 2 - 3 he can't use this command because he low level admin he must be +4 level how?

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You are not level 4+ admin");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 && 5)
Make no sense unless you make it like this
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] <= 5)

You are using the AND operator incorrectly. You have to type a statement before and after the AND operator like this;
if(statement && statement)

What it does is, it checks if both statements are true. Returns the result(it's taught in math but basically 0 and 1 is 0, 1 and 0 is 0, 0 and 0 is 0, 1 and 1 is 1 and it can have 2^n equations at most, n being the amount of statements you have) and in your case it should be;

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 5)

We use 2 statements.

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