Flashing Textdraw

This video(s) 1:56 - 2:04 how would you allow TextDraw to disappear slowly?

Note: Sorry,my first language is not english.


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Mislim da se ovdje radi o tome da je kreiran TD preko cijelog ekrana koji se sa nekim timerom(najvjerovatnije,iskreno ne vidim nijedan drugi način) mijenjaju boje textdrawsa.Iz svjetlije sve do tamne crne kako bi se stvorio ovakav efekt.(1:57 u videu) i uradio je istu stvar u 2:04 samo obrnuto.

I think that he is create TextDraw across the whole screen and with an timer(probably) change color of TextDraw.From bright black to dark black so he is get it effect.(1:57 in video) and he is do same thing on 2:04 just inversely.

Originally Posted by GospodinX
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I think that he is create TextDraw across the whole screen and with an timer(probably) change color of TextDraw.From bright black to dark black so he is get it effect.(1:57 in video) and he is do same thing on 2:04 just inversely.
this never came to mind thank you

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