how to make the X, Y, Z editor

I was wondering, how to make the X Y Z editor? like Dredit by drebin..

any tutorial?

Literally you need to look at the code in that script or the SA-MP Wiki. The function is called EditObject. And for such stuff, bother asking in 'minor coding' thread.

Attach object to player?

I just loaded up jernejls map editor, put whatever vehicle I want to work with at 0,0,0,0,0,0 and then put the bits in place, then where-ever the coords are for the added objects, those are the offsets for attaching the objects to the vehicles.

dayum didn't get anything sew :3

It's more just thinking outside the purpose of the editor.

If the map coords of the vehicle (For instance as that's what I used) are, x,y,z of 0, putting it below blueberry, with rotations of 0 (xr, xy, xz), (so it's flat, and facing north) then where ever those objects sit on that car, will be the offset, rotation and all the extras needed to make the vehicle as it is there with those objects.

For player skins though, now that's trickier, and won't work in this as they have bone attachments.

What Logic_ says is right though, it's that EditObject you're after.

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