Simple Question

How to detect someone if it increases it's HP?

Originally Posted by Istrator
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How to detect someone if it increases it's HP?
saving hp and comparing it every X time

Originally Posted by Istrator
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How to detect someone if it increases it's HP?
Just use a anticheat system.


Taken from :


#include <a_samp>

    new Float:previousHealthValue[MAX_PLAYERS],
	noDamageCount[MAX_PLAYERS], //count how many times the player didn't lose health after being hit
	bool:delayer[MAX_PLAYERS], // delayer is neccessary because damage is not updated quickly enough and gives false detections
	bool:afterSpawnCover[MAX_PLAYERS], //to avoid false detections straight after spawn which happened to me while testing it (it's set to 3 seconds right now)
	bool:isDead[MAX_PLAYERS]; // hp check to see if the player is dead didn't work(the value of hp stayed the same as before last shot)
	#define DELAY_TIME 500 // 500ms delay works well on my syrver with 2 players online, I'm not sure what's it's going to be like on a server with over 100 players online
	#define NO_DAMAGE_COUNT_LIMIT 0 // number of times the script detected someone taking no damage after shot needed to: send info to admins/kick/ban

    public OnFilterScriptInit()
            print("Health-hack detector by monday");
            return 1;

    public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
		previousHealthValue[playerid] = 0.0;
        hits[playerid] = 0;
        noDamageCount[playerid] = 0;
        delayer[playerid] = false;
        return 1;

	public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	    isDead[playerid] = true;
	    return 1;
	public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	    previousHealthValue[playerid] = 0.0;
        hits[playerid] = 0;
        delayer[playerid] = false;
        afterSpawnCover[playerid] = true;
        SetTimerEx("RemoveSpawnCover", AFTER_SPAWN_COVER_TIME, false, "i", playerid);
        isDead[playerid] = false;
	    return 1;

    forward SwitchDelay(playerid);
	public SwitchDelay(playerid)
		delayer[playerid] = true;
		return 1;
	forward RemoveSpawnCover(playerid);
	public RemoveSpawnCover(playerid)
		afterSpawnCover[playerid] = false;
		return 1;
	public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
	    if(hittype ==  BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER)
	        new Float:h, Float:a, Float:newHealthValue, message[128], cheaterName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			if(hits[hitid] == 0)
				GetPlayerHealth(hitid, h);
				GetPlayerArmour(hitid, a);
				previousHealthValue[hitid] = h + a;
				if(isDead[hitid] == true || afterSpawnCover[hitid] == true) // + here must be a check for AFK to avoid false detections
	      			hits[hitid] = 0;
				    SetTimerEx("SwitchDelay", DELAY_TIME, false, "i", hitid);
            else if(delayer[hitid] == true)
                delayer[hitid] = false;
                GetPlayerHealth(hitid, h);
            	GetPlayerArmour(hitid, a);
            	newHealthValue = h + a;
	   			if(newHealthValue == previousHealthValue[hitid] && isDead[hitid] != true && afterSpawnCover[hitid] != true)
		            if(noDamageCount[hitid] > NO_DAMAGE_COUNT_LIMIT)
		            //send message to admins, kick, ban
	             	GetPlayerName(hitid, cheaterName, sizeof(cheaterName));
		            format(message,sizeof(message),"%s didn't lose health %d times after being shot since his last login.",cheaterName, noDamageCount[hitid]);
				    previousHealthValue[hitid] = newHealthValue; //update health value if it decreased like it should
				SetTimerEx("SwitchDelay", DELAY_TIME, false, "i", hitid); // new delay before next check

	    return 1;

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