Every class separately

Hi guys, I've got a question.

I'm thinking about creating my own gamemode and I would like to make it like an MMORPG (sort-of).
In every MMORPG, you first create a character and give that character a name.
And every character has it's own inventory, money, score, level, experience, licenses, houses, house-vehicles, whatever.

Would this be a good idea for SAMP?

The classes will always be there so you don't create a new character per se (you can only have 1 character per class because the classlist in class-selection is fixed), but every class starts out as a level 0 character when there is no character yet.
The first time you choose a class, you'll be asked to select a skin and give that character a name.
The first time you spawn, that character will exist in the database.
Also when you spawn, your name will be the one you gave that character, not your login name.
When you re-enter class selection, your chosen skin will be displayed there, not the default skin as setup in the script.

The login name will actually be your accountname, it won't be the name of your characters.

And every character will have it's own money.
There will still be a way to transfer money between characters like a real MMORPG.

I could even make it so every character has it's own houses and vehicles.

Would this be a good idea?
Every MMORPG has this kind of system, so it can't be bad.

I know it's alot of work to get this done, but I don't care about that.

Yeah sure why not. It is a good idea.

Yeah you can do that. im doing exactly the same. Bringing a MMORPG concept to samp. except for the classes, we have perks.


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