Wait for animation to complete before starting another

For example, I have this script:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playeridnewkeysoldkeys)
newkeys KEY_JUMP) && !(oldkeys KEY_JUMP)) {

How can I force player to wait before animation plays fully and only then give him ability to re-play it?
(Something like animation anti-flood)

PHP код:
if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid) != 0// ... player is using some animation 

Originally Posted by kovac
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PHP код:
if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid) != 0// ... player is using some animation 
Every movement is an animation : standing, runing, walking, shooting. I guess when you are spectating, you don't have any animation.

Dayrion is right, GetPlayerAnimationIndex returns 0 only if spectating/not spawned.

I've found temporary solution - setting timer after every ApplyAnimation, but I still need another (more optimized and clean) way to do this.

Sorry for bumping, but wanted you to know that SAMP is very raw and needs more work, but Kalcor doesn't give a shit about it. SAMP is dying, move to MTA.

Why the hell are animations synced by players and not controlled by server?

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