Textdraw as Lebel Text

Hello I've creating a label text as format but I need some help I've adding in the format Example: House Price: 43242 But after someone enter Checkpoint It's didn't shown the price near Value... Why

Look at Value Didn't shown the price and at Text lebel shown the price why?

format(labelstring,sizeof(labelstring),"{0078FF}House Name: {FFFFFF}House For Sale\n{0078FF}House Owner: {FFFFFF}No Owner\n{0078FF}House Price: {FFFFFF}%i\n{0078FF}House For Sale: {00FF23}Yes\n{0078FF}House Privacy: {FF1F00}Closed",HousePrice);
and after someone enter checkpoint I've adding a menu so Here code

	if(HInfo[i][Owned] == 0)//Simply checking if the house isn't owned.
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw0);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw1);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw2);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw3);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw4);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw5);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw6);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw7);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw8);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw9);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw10);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw11);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw12);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw13);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw14);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw15);
How to make it Shown the price like what it taken
As you see in the picture It's shown the price at format but In the menu no..


 format(labelstring,sizeof(labelstring),"{0078FF}House Name: {FFFFFF}House For Sale\n{0078FF}House Owner: {FFFFFF}No Owner\n{0078FF}House Price: {FFFFFF}%d\n{0078FF}House For Sale: {00FF23}Yes\n{0078FF}House Privacy: {FF1F00}Closed",HousePrice);

Something like this:
pawn Код:
new price_text[32];
format(price_text, sizeof(price_text), "Value: %i", HInfo[i][Price]);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw5, price_text);

Thank you @MadeMan Worked!

global textdraws not for things like this
you should use player textdraws

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