How to make a command processor ?

As the title said, are there any tutorials ?

such as zcmd, ycmd, dcmd etc.

by saying HOW TO MAKE COMMAND PROCESSOR did you mention you want to create an include or you are searching for an include that is better then the mentioned ones like zcmd dcmd ycmd..... etc

i suggest you to try

YourShadow's command processor in my opinion i use it and its reliable & stable for me idk its your choice using it but if you want to make your own include review the include files learn how they work

There are no tutorials but there is source code.
Honestly its very easy to build one of your own. You can try reading the available sources, there's tons of them now.

Originally Posted by Gammix
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There are no tutorials but there is source code.
Honestly its very easy to build one of your own. You can try reading the available sources, there's tons of them now.
Alrighty thanks!

would be nice if someone creates a tutorial ^^

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