07.03.2018, 18:48
Well i made a little system that when you log in rcon you get level 4.
But when i get admin level 4 on name "test2" then i create another account named "test3" i still got the admin from the old account.
PHP код:
foreach(new playerid : Player){
if(pInfo[playerid][Level] != 4) // to check if the player DOESN'T has the level 4.
new query[256], str[150];
mysql_format(Database, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `players` SET `ADMIN` = '%i' WHERE `players`.`ID` = %i", pInfo[playerid][Admin], pInfo[playerid][ID]);
pInfo[playerid][Admin] = 4;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 , "You logged in throught rcon and got automatically level 4 admin.");
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] > 4)
format(str,sizeof(str), "{0066ff}(admin) %s has logged as server management (rcon).", PlayerName[playerid]);