GetPVarInt vs variable

I`ve read that pvars are much slower than variables.

so,my question is. ,whats the better way to detect if a player is carying a box(i use via setplayerspecialaction). Make a variable like IsCarrying[MAX_PLAYERS] and set to 0/1 or should i use pvars?

Yes make the var like IsCarrying[MAX_PLAYERS]; and set it to IsCarry[playerid] = 0/1;

you meant IsCarrying[playerid] right?

thanks anyways !

Originally Posted by ******
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If by "should i use vars" you mean "should I use PVars", then the answer is no.

`IsCarrying` is a variable, and is what you should be using. So if that's what you meant by "should i use vars", then the answer is yes.

Either way, don't use PVars.
yes,i meant pvars.

ok,i won`t use pvars,i`ll stick to variables.

thanks a lot everyone !

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