04.02.2018, 21:18
Hello to all,
I have next problem,
Example: I have command /askq, but when i type /askq example: come to me, it send me return with message "/askq [Text]"
I have newest, sscanf2 plugin, also there is not any errors or warnings
I have next problem,
Example: I have command /askq, but when i type /askq example: come to me, it send me return with message "/askq [Text]"
I have newest, sscanf2 plugin, also there is not any errors or warnings
PHP код:
CMD:askq( playerid, params[] ) {
if( PlayerCuffed[ playerid ] >= 1 ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Ne mozes koristiti komandu kad si cuffovan ili tazovan.");
if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailed ] != 0 ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Ne mozes da koristis ovu komandu dok si u zatvoru." );
if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMuted ] != 0) return GRESKA( playerid, "Ne mozete pricati, usutkani ste.");
if( askqInfo[ playerid ][ askqSended ] == true ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Vec si poslao pitanje, nije vam odgovoreno ili nisi pogledao." );
new textic[ 128 ];
if( sscanf( params, "d", textic )) return SendClientMessage( playerid, "/askq[ Text ]" );
new askQ = -1;
for( new id = 1; id < MAX_ASKQS; id++ ) {
if( askqList[ id ][ askqSend ] == false ) {
askQ = id;
if( askQ == -1 ) return GRESKA( playerid, "Vec ima maksimalan broj poslatih pitanja." );
askqList[ askQ ][ askqSend ] = true;
askqList[ askQ ][ askqID ] = playerid;
askqInfo[ playerid ][ askqSended ] = true;
askqInfo[ playerid ][ askqAnswered ] = false;
strmid( askqList[ askQ ][ askqOwner ], GetName( playerid ), 0, strlen( GetName( playerid ) ), 32 );
strmid( askqList[ askQ ][ askqQuestion ], textic, 0, strlen( textic ), 128 );
SendInfoMessage( playerid, "Poslao si pitanje Adminima i Helperima." );
new stringic[ 128 ];
format( stringic, sizeof( stringic ), ""COL_RED"|P| %s je poslao pitanje.( /lp )", GetName(playerid) );
RPTChat( -1, stringic );
return 1;