Project: Community, Our Struggle

Greeting and salutations, players and developers of SA:MP alike. I am a Canadian-Croatian born wolf called Pyraeus (Ah, you don't say, lad?!). Boo, my intro's over. Push the screen of Meet the Pyraeus over and let us begin. Trust me, you will enjoy the read. All the projects that were cancelled below were made not for our publicity reasons, or our reasons to gain people, or for riches, or for whatever. If I wanted that, it's called life. ANYWAY, back to the point. All these were created for Project: Community, which was meant to inspire teamwork, a new sort of game-play that is not your typical SA:MP soldier bullshit, cop arrests, etc. Map or SA:MP developers read this. It might inform you what you are up against.

Project: Community was an unique project created that aimed to make a custom field out of SA:MP's custom developed objects and the existing San Andreas Multi:Player ones. All along visiting many servers and studying what the community loved on other servers and what they loved to mention, see, or inform us about. As such, beta testers were invited to visit our project. So let me describe the nature of our struggle in steps and what we had to go through in order to finally decide to address the community of SA:MP, while also addressing it's developers who we understand have been struggling to give us a new experience, but there are either setbacks or delays for their own specific reasons we are all aware about and will not speak off or fight about as reasonable people (I hope).

As such, in the year 2016, Project: Aqua was launched. It was the first water based like terrain war field that focused on boats being the main vehicles, while the players were able to visit islands, caverns, lairs, and larger islands. Our belief was that ground vehicles that are driven on roads, such as bikes, cars, motor-bikes, planes, and helicopters were quite unfair and not challenging when it came to clobbering your brains out. I personally had the honor of mapping islands and one of them was the largest one I took with extreme detail to make out of SA:MP objects. An island with many tree houses, bridges, and floors. Zis, unfortunately, was a set back. We also used single-like weapons, such as forbidding sawn-off shotguns or any running weapons. We wanted to make maps where you can struggle, hold your ground for a long time, and where it can be fair to any new players that join the SA:MP Community. It would serve as a war welcome for all, new and old alike. This was also applied to all the projects below and others. Now we continue (Also, Drive-bys with G were disabled, but boats didn't need them, and drive-by with Vortexes were also disabled).

In the year 2017, Project: Aqua was placed on heavy hold. But we started plans for our project since 2014 and quite even earlier than that. The island I mapped could not even load. We were limited to a lot of objects and with San Andreas' draw distance being quite low, I had to scrap many things and I was quite disappointed. So Project: Aqua began to receive a grand overhaul and we began to study 'What sort of a field can we build for players?'. So please, developers, take in consideration that we took the time and effort to report what we have been studying since a long time and what we have seen has not been changed or implemented. If there is no possibility for this, I just want an answer and am sure many mappers out there who shared my struggle wish the same. Share your opinions at the end of the topic.

The Struggle of 2017, The Investigation Reports:
Overhaul Investigations resulted in me moving many of SAMP's large mountains closer together. When in game, these objects were not allowed to be set far back from one another. Why? Well, imagine they suddenly disappear and you see skies? Pfft.... So after all that was done and ton of objects were deleted. We resulted to test how many we can spawn in one place. Not much, apparently. So, we began to make tiny islands in the center that players can visit and fight over. This was our solution, while the caves were moved closer to each other to certainly load up. But it wasn't a success for all of them to load up. The larger islands were moved to the far north, middle/center, far west, and far east. Why? If they were in any close proximity to one another, you'd get error'd or they wouldn't begin appearing at all. You don't want an error each time you enter the game, do you? Hey, look. Let us play error game! Rage-quit, head bash over keyboard, and leave is the result of that. So we realized, also pretty painfully, that we have to divide them to be far from another. Now you might ask how we can settle this for snipers and how we made all the mountains appear? Well, we didn't. We decided to try a desperate attempt to salvage everything we made or the field would be too pathetic to play within. The mountains were meant to keep the players in the field, to also serve as backgrounds, and players traveled through large paths located between the mountains to reach specific sections of the war zone. Now with all the mountains not loading up correctly. I thought of cancelling it, but my brilliant friend found us a solution.

The Current Status of 2018's Issue with Objects, Draw Distance, Frame, Etc:
After we attempted to increase and decrease the frame, draw distance, and many other attempts in game to see how this will help us and if could save us from natural disaster on many other projects that were being designed at the time, including to set specific objects to only load properly as we want, while others we knew will load okay by themselves. We later said that's not true. We needed them to load for all the snipers. We are sad to report we had to cancel many projects like this. But Project: Aqua was eye manipulated. Setting the weather to 55, which involved fogs and clouds. It clouds the vision from a specific range and gives you the appearance that the fog is there and that the game properly loaded up, but in fact it's a cover up from the missing mountain walls before you. With this, Project: Aqua was the only one to survive the disaster of SA:MP's terrible object load up and many restrictions. For example, SA:MP team created a large playable grass field and sand field. They also created many good platforms and many large caves. For this, I am thankful. It was something new. It was something the community really wanted, but unfortunately you can't use that much in one place at all. I could be at the far north side of this large platform and it won't properly load up if many things are above it, near it, or if am simply too far from it. What's the point of the platform?

Projects Cancelled/Completed:
The following projects were put on hold or Cancelled Due to Reasons Below.

Project: Aqua, 2014 - 2017 - Completed:
A large opened sea field where boats can struggle freely and venture into lairs, mountains, caves, and islands to battle for resources, control points, and stealing intelligence from two opposite player lairs. Intelligence brought 200 points, while standing on islands you fight for 20 points each while being there. These were called Death Points that were cancelled after the LARGE islands had to be put far away from each other, as well as lairs. Project: Aqua features sea like bases as well and each district was named, designed, and completed thanks to the weather trick and the placing of objects carefully so close to one another, but not close enough to make it work and load all up. However, it was salvaged and saved. I am glad it survived that long.

Project: Blood Rise, 2016 - 2018 - Put on Hold Due to Objects Half Appearing:
Three floored buildings stand opposite against each other. Infiltrate enemy base and capture their Control Points. Each control point capture means you will also begin spawning on them, but they are only located in enemy bases, but be warned. The defense is brutal. Each floor designed to make sure the defenders have a large advantage against you. Winning all their control points brings victory. Death Points were center points. Two located on bridges and the last in a water like terrain underground. Stand on these points to quickly gain points and bring forth warfare of clobbering your brains out. Never ending good old-like fashioned annihilation. Each player that stands on Death Point and holds it gains 10 points per each second. Sideline caves and platforms would contain damage increasing buffs or healing restoration over time. No vehicles allowed. In the center was a large opened playable field where everyone would kill each other for sure. It also contained enemy intelligence points where you could steal something important of theirs and hand it in for 100 points. You play to 20.000 points in total or until you crush all enemy Control Points or lose all yours. It was designed to satisfy all player's blood thirst and to lead to the research of player's want of destruction. We are placing it on hold until you inform us what we can do, but videos and screenshots of the place will soon begin to appear. It is our proudest project to date.

Project: Baron's Playground, 2018 - Cancelled, Objects all began to Disappear Very Quick:
The Baron's Playground was built inside the Zero RC Playground called RC Battle Ground that you play within the original San Andreas Single:Player missions. It was meant to consist of two bases and a simple capture the flag method. Project was cancelled when we only finished to built one base and that did not consist of plenty of objects at all. It was our biggest disappointment to date. We clearly understood the pain we felt when we couldn't build even one base. Some asked me to release this and I chose not to. It's just too pathetic now to look at, but will come in the form of a video as well.

Please Read/Red Before Replying:
Please share with us the nature of your struggle, your own personal opinions, and do not argue. I clearly aimed with no intention to do so. I am telling players what they are in for and what the developers have to face with thought when proceeding with any big SA:MP Update.

Cancelled, Discarded Island at Project Aqua: (Mountains, Half of the Tree Houses, and More did Not Appear)

Successful in the End, Project Aqua managed to be Weather Manipulated: (Look at the pictures to see what we meant by eye manipulation, thank you.)

On Hold, Project: Blood Rise, Center Section Comparisons and Object Appearances, One where We step forward and one where we stand still: (Mountain did Not Appear and Some Sideline field design)

Problem With Snipers When Players Wanna Use it during Weather Mode or Ordinary Skies Mode: (Because of this, all snipers turned obsolete for us and we were forced to use Country Rifles)


Do we get a TL ; DR?

Originally Posted by Ritzy
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Do we get a TL ; DR?
Yes, quite. Draw distance is terrible. Custom SA:MP Objects are pointless to some degree due to this. Settings don't help and many tries.... Oh, wait, no there isn't. You see, everything has to be explained in careful detail.

If you keep going with the TL, DR method (Which in my belief is pretty damn stupid, but whatever. That's just me) to every topic or something similar like this. You don't explore other possibilities or see the problem for what it is. I think you are not aware of this quite yet. But no, my humble friend, I am afraid your request is not possible for this topic. xD

It is made for developers of both SA:MP community and SA:MP server communities alike. I brought this to the attention to those who point fingers and yell because 0.3.8's idea wasn't released. But if it was, we'd come back to the same conclusion and bigger problems. Models, cover skin models, textures/sprites and objects. None will work unless zis problem above is addressed.

Still really not getting this. Doesn't seem like this is in the right section or some shit.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Still really not getting this. Doesn't seem like this is in the right section or some shit.
Well, aside from your obvious off topic. What exactly do you not get? Please, share...

Originally Posted by Pyraeus
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Well, aside from your obvious off topic. What exactly do you not get? Please, share...
It is on topic actually, what the fuck is this topic ACTUALLY about?

If you have bugs to report, then report them.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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It is on topic actually, what the fuck is this topic ACTUALLY about?

If you have bugs to report, then report them.
Let me get down to simplest way I can say this.

Yes, this is a report. It can't be considered a bug, but something that must be touched upon because it will make many map makers and scripters alike think. The issue with streaming objects, the objects limit and our high object count on any map or simple one object not loading. This is not a report about one thing.

It is a report about everything the community, at least those who are trying to make something new, will take to consideration and think about. But I do not have to repeat myself because people can't read. So read the bloody thing above.

Also, did I upset your nerves or something? Take a giant chill pill, calm down, sit back, relax. We're on a forum. Forums are meant to be read, to create discussions, and to come to agreements or answers. We are not in a barbarian's den.

Please, lessen on random cursing (at least it ain't direct). If someone requests this kindly to be moved elsewhere because they believe it needs to be posted elsewhere, I will do it. I asked several people where I will post this. All were not sure. All were older members here. But this sort of topic is between. It is not sure where it should be placed.

It is called "use your eyes and read" before asking me what this topic is ACTUALLY about. As you capsized it, I highlighted important parts of the topic in red and blue color. Perfectly explaining the whole situation.

Anything else? Please, share...

Obvious troll is obvious... Submit the bug report and do so in brevity... Other than that, this entire cluster of a thread, is in the wrong section.

Matter of fact, if it's about streaming, then ask Incognito if there is something they can do regarding not having those items stream in whilst scoped.

I know you're mad that 0.3.8 was cancelled, but that's too fucking bad.

As for my cursing, it's none of your concern, after all, you said it yourself, it's indirect, as it's a figure of my speech.

Problem? Sue me.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Obvious troll is obvious... Submit the bug report and do so in brevity... Other than that, this entire cluster of a thread, is in the wrong section.

Matter of fact, if it's about streaming, then ask Incognito if there is something they can do regarding not having those items stream in whilst scoped.

I know you're mad that 0.3.8 was cancelled, but that's too fucking bad.

As for my cursing, it's none of your concern, after all, you said it yourself, it's indirect, as it's a figure of my speech.

Problem? Sue me.
Oh, hohoho... Trolling? See that matter of fact part? Why didn't you say it in the first place or that thing above? In fact, you could of said after you 'ACTUALLY' read the topic that this was in a wrong section. Wow, ground breaking information! Now it all lead to this. So I will personally request someone to move this topic. Will that make you feel better? But no, you still gave me no clear reason why to.

Mad about 0.3.8 cancelled? I'm sorry, man. No, am not. Because I never trolled or gave you any poor reply that was implying I was a troll. Instead, in the topic above. The struggle is about the whole community. Not myself, not some troll topic, and everything you requested to know was given to you.

I was serious with every word said. Perhaps you were trolling or you dropped the soap? Clearly, your nerves are upset. You didn't get something and were too late to read. Your figure of speech clearly gives the impression of someone who's low on tolerance or who people wouldn't feel good to be around with because he is incapable of respecting others. Your words, so called 'figures of speech', keep using them. I will put a smile on my face and use mine. Problem? Please, share... See? That's direct.

I am not mad about 0.3.8. I am disappointed in people like you instead and feel sorry for anyone who will encounter you in future topics. Figure of your speech? Sure, I will respect it, but only when you learn to respect people. Also, again... This is something that is more then a bug report and unclassified. I already said this. I said in this topic that 0.3.8 is not possible as long as these problems above are still here. I wrote it by explaining everything about this topic and even posting images. A troll doesn't do that. So am telling the developers, in fact, that I am happy that it is not released. They would of been in fire right now if they did and up to here with bug problems. If anything, this gives people information about why it was cancelled. Clear as daylight information, in fact.

Have a good day and practice your figure of speech. How it is read is how the person will feel for it, but you already know this. This is a serious topic. I will treat it as such and if I must, for any reason, stop those who are ignorant. I will be arrogant to them.

P.S: Infractions are given out. Continuous infractions gives a ban. If the argument is way out of hand, only then it's given out. How do people here not expect us to go out of hand when this happens? When people are ignorant. Silencing those who stand up to them doesn't help. That is why people avoid you like the plague. We are not afraid of facing you. We are afraid for losing our topics for people who can't read. This is why we give a warning before hand to all who read this. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Pyraeus
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Why didn't you say it in the first place or that thing above?
Because I wanted you to even try to clarify what you actually meant, but alas, you didn't and simply go into a tyrade another page and a half long...

Like I'm reading all your tripe.

Originally Posted by Pyraeus
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P.S: Infractions are given out. Continuous infractions gives a ban. If the argument is way out of hand, only then it's given out. How do people here not expect us to go out of hand when this happens? When people are ignorant. Silencing those who stand up to them doesn't help. That is why people avoid you like the plague. We are not afraid of facing you. We are afraid for losing our topics for people who can't read. This is why we give a warning before hand to all who read this. Thank you.
Sorry, but you're not a moderator. The 'argument' you can't even explain. Nothing ignorant about asking what your point is when you post up 3 pages of unformatted tripe.

Silencing? No-ones silencing you in the slightest. I'm just saying this is the wrong section, literally.

No-one is avoiding anyone, you're avoiding the point though.

There is no warning to give as really, the topic is literally null and void.

Why have you been 'here' for so long, yet don't know what section this would more aptly apply to?

This isn't so much "Scripting Help" or "Discussion" as it is "Everything and Nothing", or fucking "General" for gods sakes.

This is after all what I said in the first instance... That I was sure that it was in the wrong section, of which, you've confirmed that.

Playing the victim only works when you are the victim, you're just mistaken on which position you are capable of taking.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Because I wanted you to even try to clarify what you actually meant, but alas, you didn't and simply go into a tyrade another page and a half long...

Like I'm reading all your tripe.

Sorry, but you're not a moderator. The 'argument' you can't even explain. Nothing ignorant about asking what your point is when you post up 3 pages of unformatted tripe.

Silencing? No-ones silencing you in the slightest. I'm just saying this is the wrong section, literally.

No-one is avoiding anyone, you're avoiding the point though.

There is no warning to give as really, the topic is literally null and void.

Why have you been 'here' for so long, yet don't know what section this would more aptly apply to?

This isn't so much "Scripting Help" or "Discussion" as it is "Everything and Nothing", or fucking "General" for gods sakes.

This is after all what I said in the first instance... That I was sure that it was in the wrong section, of which, you've confirmed that.

Playing the victim only works when you are the victim, you're just mistaken on which position you are capable of taking.
You are bad at changing the words around, my friend, and all above has a perfect explanation of what I said.

- It basically says you are ignorant to read. So I am not a moderator, but I believe you are a forum user. If you read everything above first, you wouldn't even ask the question of where it supposed to be moved or in what way you wrote it down. I was directed to move it here. You should of realized this is a topic not about a bug, but a system flaw or problem. I also said already we don't know what to call it. It is unclassified. Who can settle it? Perhaps scripters. Leads to? Discussion. Nobody is sure. So we need a discussion about it. So basic read it all before asking, throwing words around and begin respecting the topic for what it is could of spared us some fuss.

- You clearly mentioned someone trolling you and being mad for 0.3.8. being cancelled. So in your mind, you place me with one of those you think are mad about it or sad. Also, mad about 0.3.8 was clearly directed at me, was it? Okay, so here is how I see it. I wasn't either sad or mad. I mentioned I was disappointed, sure, and where did I write it? In your response from before and also at the very beginning of this topic. Wow... It says this problem I posted or unusual discovery should be fixed before any major SA:MP update, yes, like 0,3.8 comes or something after. So yes, I will respond with the same matter and way you responded to me. I am not mad about it being cancelled. I am glad it was cancelled. If you mention I was mad, I will respond disrespectfully because you disrespectfully or clearly did not read the whole topic up there highlighted in red. In this topic, it clearly mentions I am aware of everything and I am giving answers to this community and want to hear their solutions.

- It tells you could of handled simple answers or even given ones out instead off using curse words at the very beginning, although not direct, and making the questions from them sound very rude and unhappy, which you did. Most likely because of your low tolerance or if you see something not to your liking, ya raise a tone in your mind.

How do you expect one to not to raise questions directed back at you and call you ignorant or wonder what your intentions are? Your first questions are questioned because I answered it already. The other question 0.3.8 I also explained already. All of them on the bloody and first three upper pages. The main page and the reply to Ritzy. So yes, I will respond this way. Do you understand? Like this is no better way of explaining it here.

Still not seeing how this fits into Scripting Help, Discussion, compared to General, or Everything and Nothing.

I'm out anyway, it's obvious that you'll just bring a page and a half response to anything challenging you.

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