05.01.2018, 12:19
Hello guys can you help me please?
I'm using R40 as I said!
I have two problems, so the first one is:
Output: X: 151.123201, Y: 0, Z: 13.05541 and etc.
The problem is that, the database set the Y coordinate to 0, I tried it to save with dini and dini is saving it correct, but there is problem with my mysql code
I'm sure that the table is creating the table with float value. I have already checked it!
And the second is that houses can't be loaded
Here is loading(OnGameModeInit callback):
and here is my LoadHouses callback:
Sorry for my realy bad english!
I'm using R40 as I said!
I have two problems, so the first one is:
PHP код:
new h; cache_get_row_count(h);
new query[2048];
mysql_format(zMySQL, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `houses`(`ID`, `Owner`, `Price`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `World`, `X2`, `Y2`, `Z2`, `A2`, `Int:X`, `Int:Y`, `Int:Z`, `Int:X2`, `Int:Y2`, `Int:Z2`, `Int:A2`, `Interior`, `Spawn:X`, `Spawn:Y`, `Spawn:Z`, `Spawn:A`, `Status`) VALUES ('%d', '%e', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d')",
h, HouseInfo[h][hOwner], HouseInfo[h][hPrice], HouseInfo[h][hX], HouseInfo[hY], HouseInfo[h][hZ], -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
mysql_tquery(zMySQL, query);
The problem is that, the database set the Y coordinate to 0, I tried it to save with dini and dini is saving it correct, but there is problem with my mysql code

And the second is that houses can't be loaded

Here is loading(OnGameModeInit callback):
PHP код:
for(new h = 1; h < MAX_HOUSES; h++)
new house[64], query[1024];
mysql_format(zMySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `ID` = %d", h);
mysql_tquery(zMySQL, query, "LoadHouses", "h");
if( strcmp(HouseInfo[h][hOwner], "No", true) == 0 )
HouseInfo[h][hPickup] = CreatePickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[h][hX], HouseInfo[h][hY], HouseInfo[h][hZ]);
HouseInfo[h][hIcon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(HouseInfo[h][hX], HouseInfo[h][hY], HouseInfo[h][hZ], 31, 0,0,0);
HouseInfo[h][hPickup] = CreatePickup(19522, 1, HouseInfo[h][hX], HouseInfo[h][hY], HouseInfo[h][hZ]);
HouseInfo[h][hIcon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(HouseInfo[h][hX], HouseInfo[h][hY], HouseInfo[h][hZ], 32, 0,0,0);
PHP код:
forward LoadHouses(houseid);
public LoadHouses(houseid)
cache_get_value_name(houseid, "Owner", HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "X", HouseInfo[houseid][hX]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Y", HouseInfo[houseid][hY]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Z", HouseInfo[houseid][hZ]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:X", HouseInfo[houseid][hiX]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:Y", HouseInfo[houseid][hiY]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:Z", HouseInfo[houseid][hiZ]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "X2", HouseInfo[houseid][hX2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Y2", HouseInfo[houseid][hY2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Z2", HouseInfo[houseid][hZ2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "A2", HouseInfo[houseid][hA2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:X2", HouseInfo[houseid][hiX2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:Y2", HouseInfo[houseid][hiY2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:Z2", HouseInfo[houseid][hiZ2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Int:A2", HouseInfo[houseid][hiA2]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Spawn:X", HouseInfo[houseid][hsX]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Spawn:Y", HouseInfo[houseid][hsY]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Spawn:Z", HouseInfo[houseid][hsZ]);
cache_get_value_name_float(houseid, "Spawn:A", HouseInfo[houseid][hsA]);
cache_get_value_name_int(houseid, "Interior", HouseInfo[houseid][hInt]);
cache_get_value_name_int(houseid, "World", HouseInfo[houseid][hVW]);
cache_get_value_name_int(houseid, "Price", HouseInfo[houseid][hPrice]);
cache_get_value_name_int(houseid, "Status", HouseInfo[houseid][hStatus]);
return 1;