SA-MP server won't display for others (VPS)


This is a really weird problem. When I start SA-MP server on my VPS (Derbian) it starts up properly. I can see it on the SA-MP server list. But others can't. Only I can see the server, connect too. I'm a remote ip just like others. When I try to ping the IP it says: Unkown host.

I start the server this way:
 ./samp03svr &
I also checked if there are two SA-MP servers running, nope.

This is the server ip,

Does anyone know what might be the problem? Thanks.

EDIT: I was away for a while. I contacted the host and they open'd some ports. So that is the solution.

When you start the server like that and close the console the server will shutdown. Use nohup.

You probably have strict firewall rules only allowing your IP while refusing anyone else. The unknown game mode means that your game mode did not load properly. Check the server log.

PHP Code:
root# sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 --jump ACCEPT
root# sudo iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 3306 --jump ACCEPT
root# iptables-save 

I'd say ports/IP's are being blocked. Best way is to contact your host, although the main provider is OVH, but they are still able to help you with this issue.

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