can you help me

C: \ Users \ Lolito \ Desktop \ EspaсaRoleplay.pwn (8004): warning 219: local variable "Test" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C: \ Users \ Lolito \ Desktop \ EspaсaRoleplay.pwn (8006)error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "Test")

Line 8004: new Test[35];

Line 8006: TextDrawSetString(Test[35], Test);

Originally Posted by LOLITO
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C: \ Users \ Lolito \ Desktop \ EspaсaRoleplay.pwn (8004): warning 219: local variable "Test" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C: \ Users \ Lolito \ Desktop \ EspaсaRoleplay.pwn (8006)error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "Test")

Line 8004: new Test[35];

Line 8006: TextDrawSetString(Test[35], Test);
There is something in the script which uses the same variable "Test" try to change test with something else like Tests

new Test1[35];

TextDrawSetString(Test1[35], test);

There can't be 2 variables defined with the same name

Just change the second string's name from test to something else

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