20.10.2017, 19:22
Hey, again me and textdraws...
So, basically I have this function:
Everything works fine, all textdraws, which are supposed to, show, but when I change text for textdraw "CHAR-SPAWN", it won't delete after another use of this function, ... and it should. For that, I have this "if" here...
I do the same with textdraw "CHAR-V-NAME" and it works. I have no problem in database, everything is the same. The only thing which could be problem is, that the "CHAR-SPAWN" textdraw is with index "0"... I don't know about anything else...
So, basically I have this function:
stock ShowPlayerTextDrawGroup(playerid, txd_group[], type=0){ new query[128]; mysql_format(mdb, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `textdraws` WHERE tgroup='%s'", txd_group); mysql_tquery(mdb, query, "OnPlayerTextDrawGroup", "dsd", playerid, txd_group, type); return 1; } forward OnPlayerTextDrawGroup(playerid, txd_group[], type); public OnPlayerTextDrawGroup(playerid, txd_group[], type){ new rows; cache_get_row_count(rows); if(rows != 0){ for(new i=0;i<rows;i++){ if(Txds[i]) PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, Txds[i]); new name[25], Float:X, Float:Y, text[30], Float:LSX, Float:LSY, Float:TSX, Float:TSY, align, color, usebox, boxcolor, setshadow, outline, backgroundcolor, font, proportional, selectable; cache_get_value_float( i, "posX", X); cache_get_value_float( i, "posY", Y); cache_get_value_float( i, "LetterSizeX", LSX); cache_get_value_float( i, "LetterSizeY", LSY); cache_get_value_float( i, "TextSizeX", TSX); cache_get_value_float( i, "TextSizeY", TSY); cache_get_value( i, "text", text, sizeof(text)); cache_get_value( i, "name", name, sizeof(name)); cache_get_value_int( i, "alignment", align); cache_get_value_int( i, "color", color); cache_get_value_int( i, "usebox", usebox); cache_get_value_int( i, "boxcolor", boxcolor); cache_get_value_int( i, "setshadow", setshadow); cache_get_value_int( i, "outline", outline); cache_get_value_int( i, "backgroundcolor", backgroundcolor); cache_get_value_int( i, "font", font); cache_get_value_int( i, "proportional", proportional); cache_get_value_int( i, "selectable", selectable); Txds[i] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, X, Y, text); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, Txds[i], LSX, LSY); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, Txds[i], TSX, TSY); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, Txds[i], align); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, Txds[i], color); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, Txds[i], usebox); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, Txds[i], boxcolor); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, Txds[i], setshadow); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, Txds[i], outline); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, Txds[i], backgroundcolor); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, Txds[i], font); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, Txds[i], proportional); PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, Txds[i], selectable); if(type == CHARCHOOSE){ //when changing a few txds (in choosing character) new ustr[56]; if(!strcmp(name, "CHAR-V-NAME", false)) { GetPVarString(playerid, "ch_username", ustr, sizeof(ustr)); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, Txds[i], ustr); } } else if(type == CHARCHOOSE_NONE){ //when character doesn't exist if(!strcmp(name, "CHAR-SPAWN", false)) { PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, Txds[i], "CREATE CHARACTER"); } } if(!strcmp(name, "CHAR-SPAWN", false)) { ChooseTxds[0] = i; } else if(!strcmp(name, "CHAR-AR-L", false)) { ChooseTxds[1] = i; } else if(!strcmp(name, "CHAR-AR-R", false)) { ChooseTxds[2] = i; } PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, Txds[i]); } }else printf("TEXTDRAW GROUP %s DOESN'T EXIST !", txd_group); return 1; }
if(Txds[i]) PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, Txds[i]);