18.10.2017, 12:59
Greetings , its about time to offer you a web template that i have created and Adapted for New life roleplay 2/3 years ago , feel free to edit it as you like , it containes a landing page , the cms but not the forum .
live Demo : http://nl-rp.is-great.net/?i=1
download : https://github.com/XxAngelOFDethxX/A...ms/tree/master
PS : i'm open to all projects invitations and taking jobs about web developpement . as for the UCpanel i never got time to finish it
+ i don't actualy have the time to re adapt it to the default settings so you'll need to do it manually or contact me skype : joseph.dofusien
Check the Readme for extra Help
live Demo : http://nl-rp.is-great.net/?i=1
download : https://github.com/XxAngelOFDethxX/A...ms/tree/master
PS : i'm open to all projects invitations and taking jobs about web developpement . as for the UCpanel i never got time to finish it
+ i don't actualy have the time to re adapt it to the default settings so you'll need to do it manually or contact me skype : joseph.dofusien
Check the Readme for extra Help