11.10.2017, 17:09
I am creating a textdraw that shows that users who have logged in, pero tengo una pregunta como hago la funciуn para mostrar el texto dibujado cuando el usuario se conectav, the truth is that I only have the text drawn and I would like someone to help me with the code to display when I connect as this photo
The text draw is
The text draw is
Textjoinzone[0] = TextDrawCreate(5.153693, 425.250091, "[Zone]: El equipo %d ha capturado la zona %d"); TextDrawLetterSize(Textjoinzone[0], 0.297261, 0.614166); TextDrawAlignment(Textjoinzone[0], 1); TextDrawColor(Textjoinzone[0], -1); TextDrawSetShadow(Textjoinzone[0], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(Textjoinzone[0], 1); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textjoinzone[0], 51); TextDrawFont(Textjoinzone[0], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Textjoinzone[0], 1); Textjoinzone[1] = TextDrawCreate(5.622294, 435.166839, "[join]: el usuario %d se ha conectado"); TextDrawLetterSize(Textjoinzone[1], 0.260248, 0.742498); TextDrawAlignment(Textjoinzone[1], 1); TextDrawColor(Textjoinzone[1], -1); TextDrawSetShadow(Textjoinzone[1], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(Textjoinzone[1], 1); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textjoinzone[1], 51); TextDrawFont(Textjoinzone[1], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Textjoinzone[1], 1);