How your first steps in scripting was?

Well, As you guys know, There is a lot of new scripters around are trying to learn how to script.

But they don't know what are the first steps and most importantly the secondary steps.

So, It would be nice from you if you stated here how did you learn scripting and what was your first steps.

I started in the beginning to search for names i need to change in order to start my server.. Then i began to browse the script and see the functions, figure out how it works, That's it.

I started with copying others scripts and renaming them and then release them. It's no secret that everyone has done this atleast one time. I started scripting back in 2013, or well, tried to. And my English was not good at all, neither did I know a single shit about PAWN, but by reading others scripts and learning C#, HTML, PHP, CSS, JS and other languages, I quickly got a hold of it.

Afterall, scripting is not hard at all, it's basically, tell the server what to do, in plain English, in a specific format.

Started with editing a gamemode and after that I started to write my first gamemode. I have used OnPlayerCommandText only 2-3 weeks, and never used files. (idk, ZCMD appeared at that time a little better, and MySQL was simpler because everything can be done in one query).

Back in 2015, I felt like making my own server since a friend of mine had one of his own, I really got inspired by him doing something so oblivious to me back in the time.

Silly me, I thought everything was done via editing few lines from the server.cfg file, but little did I know what was behind the making for servers, writing scripts was the last thing I could think of, I opened few .pwn files to get instantly pwned (see what I did there? Nvm), I had no idea what I was looking at, nor what it was for, that was my first look at the field of programming, I had this weird feeling and curiosity of wanting to know each and every single line's meaning, and how the whole thing functions.

I started watching random videos on ******* (Terrible way to start to be honest), a video led to another until I stumbled across this link that directed me to SA-MP forums, yes people, I didn't know that such forums existed, here I found lots of written tutorials and guides for starters, I downloaded couple of filterscripts and gamemodes, edited them, combined them, added few blocks of random code that I didn't even know what it did at the time, and released them, my scripting knowledge consisted of (creating variables, using if/else statements and that's about it), I didn't know how to work with arrays, enums, loops, text formatting..... and all other basic stuff, I was just playing with very basic stuff, creating simple things like (/heal, /teleport...).

One day, I stumbled across a registration/login system (INI based), I absolutely felt like reading some rocket science related topic, I didn't understand a thing of what was going on in the tutorial, not a single line, that was when I realised, I had a long path in front of me. I had just finished high school back then and signed up to studying software development. It was there where I started grasping the concept and basics of scripting, C language was the door that opened countless other paths to follow,
after few weeks, I returned back to the same registration/login tutorial, and I was surprised that this time around, I could understand and follow the tutorial with ease somehow, all thanks to the stuff I picked up in class, giving the fact that pawn is a C-like language, it was almost identical.

After spending a long enough time to study C, I moved to C#, where I fell in love with Object Oriented programming languages, which introduced me to JavaScript which again introduced me to HTML and CSS,

With the humble sum of knowledge about programming I had, I felt like something was holding me back, that was the outdated data storing method that I used to work with, yes, saving in files, which felt less secured and a lot slower, that's when I decided to learn SQL, which I didn't get too deep into, I learnt just about enough to work with in my gamemodes, I started scripting SQLite based stuff, but later move to the superior MySQL, and then decided that nothing is stopping me from learning even more SQL,

in the time of writing this, I finally started avoiding C++, like I don't know why I didn't give it a chance sooner, but man, am I loving it already,

What I want to say is, I feel like I could have picked up scripting at even earlier period, but my start wasn't that good, in fact, it was terrible on any aspect if only I did some research at the beginning, if you want to make something, learn the basics first!
If you're just starting, and want to make a gamemode right off the bat, do not search for stuff like 'How to make a vehicle system', instead, have a look on SA-MP functions, grasp a decent amount of scripting basics, and struggle making that yourself, only then you will taste the sweetness of making something by your own effort.

Originally Posted by Eoussama
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Back in 2015, I felt like making my own server since a friend of mine had one of his own, I really got inspired by him doing something so oblivious to me back in the time.

Silly me, I thought everything was done via editing few lines from the server.cfg file, but little did I know what was behind the making for servers, writing scripts was the last thing I could think of, I opened few .pwn files to get instantly pwned (see what I did there? Nvm), I had no idea what I was looking at, nor what it was for, that was my first look at the field of programming, I had this weird feeling and curiosity of wanting to know each and every single line's meaning, and how the whole thing functions.

I started watching random videos on ******* (Terrible way to start to be honest), a video led to another until I stumbled across this link that directed me to SA-MP forums, yes people,e I didn't know that such forums existed, here I found lots of written tutorials and guides for starters, I downloaded couple of filterscripts and gamemodes, edited them, combined them, added few blocks of random code that I didn't even know what it did at the time, and released them, my scripting knowledge consisted of (creating variables, using if/else statements and that's about it), I didn't know how to work with arrays, enums, loops, text formatting..... and all other basic stuff, I was just playing with very basic stuff, creating simple things like (/heal, /teleport...).

One day, I stumbled across a registration/login system (INI based), I absolutely felt like reading some rocket science related tutorials, I didn't understand a thing of what was going on in the tutorial, not a single line, that was when I realised, I had a long path in front of me. I had just finished high school back then and signed up to studying software development. It was there where I started grasping the concept and basics of scripting, C language was the door that opened countless other paths to follow,
after few weeks, I returned back to the same registration/login tutorial, and I was surprised that this time around, I could understand and follow the tutorial with easy somehow, all thanks to the stuff I picked up in class, giving the fact that pawn is a C-like language, it was almost identical.

After spending a long enough time to study C, I moved to C#, where I fell in love with Object Oriented programming language, which introduced to JavaScript which again introduced me to HTML and CSS,

With the humble sum of knowledge about programming I had, I felt like something was holding me back, that was the outdated data storing method that I used to work with, yes, saving files, which felt less secured and a lot slower, that's when I decided to learn SQL, which I didn't get too deep into, I learnt just about enough to work with in my gamemodes, I started scripting SQLite based stuff, but later move to the superior MySQL, and then decided that nothing is stopping me from learning even more SQL,

in the time of writing this, I finally started avoiding C++, like I don't know why I didn't give it a chance sooner, but man, am I loving it already,

What I want to say is, I feel like I could have picked up scripting at even earlier period, but my start wasn't that good, in fact, it was terrible on any aspect if only I did some research at the beginning, if you want to make something, learn the basics first!
If you're just starting, and want to make a gamemode right off the bat, do not search for stuff like 'How to make a vehicle system', instead, have a look on SA-MP functions, grasp a decent amount of scripting basics, and struggle making that yourself, only then you will taste the sweetness of making something by your own effort.
best. movie. ever-.. wait wha?

First time I've opened the Pawno editor: downloaded 0.2.2 server package, couldn't understand a thing, compiled lvdm.pwn, played locally for 5 minutes, left SA-MP for years (somewhere around 2008?)

Until then I've only had some experience with (uber basic) web developement and (little understanding of) VB6. I started to grasp some more knowledge of programming with C/C++ in 2009 at high school.

Second time I've opened the Pawno editor: messing locally with an edited LA-RP gamemode found somewhere (early 2010)

More experience with Pawn language through 2010: creating a basic job with checkpoints, sharing it with the scripter of the server I was playing in. Started messing with SA-MP Wiki, registered to SA-MP forum

May 2010, the server scripter was leaving and I took his place. I've been there through 5 managements and 2 server name change, until 2015, when life took over and I had to leave, and a brief moment of 2016 when I was asked to come back.
7 years of work on the same gamemode, from a basic LA-RP gamemode to a modular one, from INI files to MySQL, from keeping backups on my USB drives to Git.

I always knew I'd like to work in the IT, but I owe SA-MP a lot for enhancing my passion.

Editing a downloaded script.

Originally Posted by SimonItaly
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from keeping backups on my USB drives to Git.
This part gets me everytime.

I had a question in my career of learning PAWN.

What are these "%d or %i" or whatever is this, If somebody knows this, Then please define them for me now.

Those are format specifiers. You're telling the function (in Pawn natives, mostly format and printf) how to parse the data into a string.


Formatting takes place via placeholders within the format string.
For example, if a program wanted to print out a person's age, it could present the output by prefixing it with "Your age is ".
To denote that we want the integer for the age to be shown immediately after that message, we may use the format string:
"Your age is %d."
Quote from Printf format string

You can check on SA-MP wiki which specifiers are supported.

Originally Posted by H4RR1s
View Post
I had a question in my career of learning PAWN.

What are these "%d or %i" or whatever is this, If somebody knows this, Then please define them for me now.
Placeholders to replace them with the array content, its important to know the difference between types of arrays
%d and %i has no difference

I guess it just loops through the string, finds a % and takes every letter after it as the type of the array and replaces it with it.

For any scripter I'd suggest to use more and read more.
PAWN's documentation is also a plus.

If a person knows only PAWN and wants to advance it, I'd suggest to learn another language to increase the understanding.


Awesome story.

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
View Post
> Compiled.
> Errors.
> Where's the fucking AMX at?
> So I need to fix these errors.
> 4 Errors left
> fixed
> 26 Errors left
> What the fuck
> Fixed
> Runs
> Bugs
> Fixing
> Compiling
> 26 Errors.
What a lovely story

Originally Posted by Eoussama
Посмотреть сообщение
Back in 2015, I felt like making my own server since a friend of mine had one of his own, I really got inspired by him doing something so oblivious to me back in the time.

Silly me, I thought everything was done via editing few lines from the server.cfg file, but little did I know what was behind the making for servers, writing scripts was the last thing I could think of, I opened few .pwn files to get instantly pwned (see what I did there? Nvm), I had no idea what I was looking at, nor what it was for, that was my first look at the field of programming, I had this weird feeling and curiosity of wanting to know each and every single line's meaning, and how the whole thing functions.

I started watching random videos on ******* (Terrible way to start to be honest), a video led to another until I stumbled across this link that directed me to SA-MP forums, yes people, I didn't know that such forums existed, here I found lots of written tutorials and guides for starters, I downloaded couple of filterscripts and gamemodes, edited them, combined them, added few blocks of random code that I didn't even know what it did at the time, and released them, my scripting knowledge consisted of (creating variables, using if/else statements and that's about it), I didn't know how to work with arrays, enums, loops, text formatting..... and all other basic stuff, I was just playing with very basic stuff, creating simple things like (/heal, /teleport...).

One day, I stumbled across a registration/login system (INI based), I absolutely felt like reading some rocket science related topic, I didn't understand a thing of what was going on in the tutorial, not a single line, that was when I realised, I had a long path in front of me. I had just finished high school back then and signed up to studying software development. It was there where I started grasping the concept and basics of scripting, C language was the door that opened countless other paths to follow,
after few weeks, I returned back to the same registration/login tutorial, and I was surprised that this time around, I could understand and follow the tutorial with ease somehow, all thanks to the stuff I picked up in class, giving the fact that pawn is a C-like language, it was almost identical.

After spending a long enough time to study C, I moved to C#, where I fell in love with Object Oriented programming languages, which introduced me to JavaScript which again introduced me to HTML and CSS,

With the humble sum of knowledge about programming I had, I felt like something was holding me back, that was the outdated data storing method that I used to work with, yes, saving in files, which felt less secured and a lot slower, that's when I decided to learn SQL, which I didn't get too deep into, I learnt just about enough to work with in my gamemodes, I started scripting SQLite based stuff, but later move to the superior MySQL, and then decided that nothing is stopping me from learning even more SQL,

in the time of writing this, I finally started avoiding C++, like I don't know why I didn't give it a chance sooner, but man, am I loving it already,

What I want to say is, I feel like I could have picked up scripting at even earlier period, but my start wasn't that good, in fact, it was terrible on any aspect if only I did some research at the beginning, if you want to make something, learn the basics first!
If you're just starting, and want to make a gamemode right off the bat, do not search for stuff like 'How to make a vehicle system', instead, have a look on SA-MP functions, grasp a decent amount of scripting basics, and struggle making that yourself, only then you will taste the sweetness of making something by your own effort.
top 10 anime battles of all time

It was Nov 2016 when i used to look for free hosts when i didnt even know about Pawno and all, then i finally found one on then i was like on top of the world that i finally found a host, then i thought that its done and when i opened the server, it was grandlarc, LOL.

Then i looked for gamemodes and i found UGRP gamemode and when i looked on to the code, it was like familiar to me and i thought it was in C and C++ and then i felt like my something i know about as i already knew C,C++ and learned MySQL a couple of months ago.

Then i finally went to samp wiki and learned all about SA-MP and now i am here making my gamemode.

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