Core Roleplay - Heavy Roleplay

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(Previously ran by Emmet, Jaja and Dommiechino)
Core Roleplay is a server ran by experienced SA-MP players (e.g. people who have been apart of the SA-MP community for over four years) who want to see a great server succeed. The server was scripted from scratch by Emmet_, and we have plans to stay open for a long time. The server contains many innovative features, some of which are user friendly, and a great friendly staff team. The main goal for the server is to provide a realistic roleplay environment for players, and allow players to enjoy their time whilst doing so.



Our registration is quite simple, you type in your username & password, select your origin, then you are brought to a screen that looks like the photo displayed below. You select your skin, your age, and then you move on, and officially become a player of Core Roleplay!


Our strength system is quite unique - you actually use the singleplayer working out methods, and when you work out you boost your strength within brawls, increase your item capacity, and soon it will increase stamina which causes you to run longer. This gives players something to do, and whether or not how you roleplay your characters physique.


The server contains a inventory system, since nowadays it has become quite common to have it in a SA-MP server. The inventory system is user friendly and contains two things, a normal inventory system, and a weapon inventory system. You are allowed to have three weapons on you: Melee, Primary, and Secondary so you don't carry a dozen weapons. Each item has its very own weight, to be used wisely. You can store items in a wide variety of things, including trashbins, safes and trunks. The trunk size depends on the size of a vehicle (e.g. you can store more items in a van than a car).


Now, there are many more features of the server, but if I sat here and explained them all to you, there would be no excitement for joining! I'm hoping to see a lot of new faces around the Core Roleplay community, and with your help, we can create something big and great for you to enjoy. The server has a longtime plan and will be around no matter what, but we need your assistance to keep faith. We have a great staff team who are willing to assist you with your needs. I recommend joining our forums to keep updated with factions, announcements, development logs, and more.

We personally thank you for visiting the server advertisements section, and clicking on our advertisement. Hopefully you join, and have a great time within our realistic roleplay environment - Core Roleplay Management.

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