Call of Duty - Legendary Warriors [HOSTED TAB]

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Call of Duty Legendary Warriors also known as Warfare Termination, is a Call of Duty based game-mode. This time it's not just involving battling with other countries but also special abilities as like nuclear weapons, bombardments, airstrikes, anti aircraft vehicles, and many more.

The main idea of the server is cooperating with the team members against the other teams and terrorists. The server has 6 countries which are Russia, Arabia, Japan, USA, Australia and Romania and a terrorists team. World countries have to fight against each other while they also fight with the terrorists.

Team System
- Each team has a base especially mapped for the team, a special color, skin, radio tower, weapon shop and a prototype. Bases are placed closer to each other and is covered by zones to make it easier for players to fight with each other.

Capture System
- Each team can conquer the server zones to gain more profit for the team, there is also a bonus for stopping others from capturing zones, and for capturing too many zones in a row. Capture zones may have a briefcase (weapon shop) and may not and that depends on the value of the zone.

Realistic Gameplay
- We try as much as possible to keep the game realistic as in making airstrike with rockets and flying planes, making landmines, weapon drop, dynamite for bombers, anti aircraft vehicles, bombardments, supporter packages and many more, each system is designed to look realistic for the player and to be interesting at the same time.

Weapon Drop
- Once players die, their weapons get dropped and they can pick them up with 'N'. To drop a single weapon players can use 'H' for instant drop.

Landmines & Dynamite
- Landmines can be bought from shop, however they can be planted anywhere on the ground, once enemies step on them they automatically explode. As for dynamite it is a feature for bomber class to set a time in which the bomb would explode.

Airstrike System
- Airstrike can be called by regular players, however it charges money for launching an airstrike and only ONE can be launched at a time. Rockets are realistic and planes fly as well while dropping them.

- Rustlers for higher ranks can be used to drop rockets using the fire key (LMB), once rockets reach the ground they explode and kill anyone in rage.

Anti Aircraft
- Around the map there are too many anti aircraft vehicles in which players can use to destroy heavy air vehicles and protect the area, requires higher classes to work.

Support Packs
- Supporters can drop support packs with rustler to support players on that area (sends box on the ground), can be opened and there's a 25% possibility that the box is empty.

Class System
- Each class has a special ability and commands which differ from each other to make the game interesting; unlocking classes depend on the score.

Ranks System
- Ranks system depends on score, the more the score the higher the rank you get. The system is automated and informs you whenever you get higher in rank.

Area 51
- Area 51 is an important zone as it's a requirement for being able to launch a nuke, so it is protected by a gate however bomber class can charge a dynamite at the gates to explode it and gain access, the zone owning team guarantee access to the gate automatically.

Nuclear System
- Nuclear system explodes the target base, launching a nuclear attack requires owning both Area 51 and the battleship in order to be able to start one, however it also requires score to launch it. The remote is located at the battleship.

Death-match & Duels
- Server provides variety of death-match arenas and duel arenas in which players can do group fights and 1x1 fights. For death-match weapons are default per the specified arena (skin as well), for the dueling system it weapons are customizable (2 weapons maximum).

- We have an advanced events system with which derby, racing, TDM and DM events can be easily created, events include top lists, checkpoints for racing events, racing events are available in both air and ground. As for DM/TDM there can be up to 5 weapons, random spawns are included within events as well (optional, can be only one spawn for DM and two for TDM).

Radio Towers
- Each base has a radio tower with which a team uses to communicate with each other using the team radio feature, however other teams can destroy this tower (gets recovered every 5 minutes and can be repaired instantly by an engineer).

Spy Drones
- Spy Drones can be bought from the weapons shop to spy the enemies team radio by rolling over the tower with the RC drone, this only works if the tower isn't destroyed.

- Each base has a prototype which other teams can steal by delivering it to their own base to earn profit from it, once the prototype is captured it can be recaptured again.

Weapon Shop
- Weapon shop contains all the necessary equipment for battling with others as like medic kits, armor kits, gas masks, helmets, attachments, weapons, health and armour.

- Weapons are unlockable by achieving higher ranks, most of the weapons are available in the shop.

Killing Spree
- There is up to 1000 killing sprees, the higher the killing spree the more rewards you receive.

- Backpack has a limited amount of slots which players can store equipment in for the entire session. Equipment can be used and stored at any time as specified by the player.

That's just part of the features which we have on our server; why not try it out?

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