Map not loading properly after using SetCameraPos and LookAt

Just started scripting a few weeks ago again after a long stop and I'm running into a problem that never happened before.

Whenever I use SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt, the map simply doesn't load properly, as if the player is far away.

Here's the screenshots:

The problem is solved by using InterpolateCameraPos and LookAt instead and by spawning, but I really want to stick with what I am currently using now.

You are using streamer?

I tried using it, nothing happened. (never scripted something that needed streamer to work, so I just "plugged" it on the server and nothing changed)

When you are setting the player camera, also set his position by using
so that it'll get load, and don't forget to set the player's virtual world as well, so that other wont see.

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