02.08.2017, 18:13
Last edited by dopeboy1040; 03/08/2017 at 05:18 PM.
Hello all i m dope i make my own server all admin commands done But i need a dialog box of these commands Can anyone here to make it
?? if not so no need to make dialog box just make a simple like admin lvl 1 can use /level 1 commands LEVEL 1 - 8 please sir anyone can?
Normal Player Commands
/afk (Green colour) Like [PName] [ID] Has away from keyboard
/Back Same [Has back to his activity]
/antistealing (to enable/disable the antistealing for your personal vehicle)
/mycar (to teleport to you your personal vehicle)
/zadminhelp (to see some commands)
/savepersonalcar Chance to /vbuy (for vips, to save a personal vehicle)
/replacepersonalcar (for vips, to replace your personal vehicle)
/admins (to see all Online Admins)
/report [id] [reason] (to report a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a personal message)
/veh [nome] [col1] [col2] (to spawn a vehicle. example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a elegy)
/changename [old nome] [new nome] (to change your name) ---> defult is disabled
/carcolor [col1] [col2] (to change your vehicle's colors)
/votekick [id] [reason] (voting to kick a player)
/voteban [id] [reason] (voting to ban a player)
/voteccars (voting to remove spawned vehicles => from command /veh)
* dopeboy1040 slaps [id] (To slap to a player) around a bit with a large trout.
/playersrecord (to see the Max number of players ever been in server)
/admincolor (to set yourself Admincolor => defult is GOLD)
/asay [messaggio] (public admin chat. color=blue)
/reports (to see last 3 reports)
/reportsoff (to close last reports window)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/admincmd1 (to see a list of all admin comands)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)
/setskintome [skin id] (to set yourself a skin)
/announce [messaggio] (Big announce from admins in the middle of the screen)
/jetp (it gives you a Jetpack)
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/admincmd2 (to see the list of the admin commands which have action on EVERY PLAYER CONNECTED)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/healall[ID] Give all heal and armour
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/fixpv (To fix the vehicle to a player)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
/muted (to see who (online players) is muted)
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/jailed (to see who (online players) is jailed)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 84525164412])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/rangeban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player more powerfully)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/vixualworld [1-2] (Change you world]
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/getvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it checks his vehicle's health)
/setvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it sets health to his vehicle)
/removeweapon [id] [weapon] (to remove a weapon to a player)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/asetskin [SKIN ID] (Set all player skin]
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off)
/reloadzadmin (to reload Zadmin4.2)
/unloadzadmin (to unload Zadmin4.2)
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/makevip [id] [level] (to make a new VIP)
/removevip [id] (to remove a VIP)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)

Normal Player Commands
/afk (Green colour) Like [PName] [ID] Has away from keyboard
/Back Same [Has back to his activity]
/antistealing (to enable/disable the antistealing for your personal vehicle)
/mycar (to teleport to you your personal vehicle)
/zadminhelp (to see some commands)
/savepersonalcar Chance to /vbuy (for vips, to save a personal vehicle)
/replacepersonalcar (for vips, to replace your personal vehicle)
/admins (to see all Online Admins)
/report [id] [reason] (to report a cheater)
/countdown (countdown for races)
/pm [id] [message] (sends a personal message)
/veh [nome] [col1] [col2] (to spawn a vehicle. example: "/veh elegy" will spawn a elegy)
/changename [old nome] [new nome] (to change your name) ---> defult is disabled
/carcolor [col1] [col2] (to change your vehicle's colors)
/votekick [id] [reason] (voting to kick a player)
/voteban [id] [reason] (voting to ban a player)
/voteccars (voting to remove spawned vehicles => from command /veh)
* dopeboy1040 slaps [id] (To slap to a player) around a bit with a large trout.
/playersrecord (to see the Max number of players ever been in server)
/admincolor (to set yourself Admincolor => defult is GOLD)
/asay [messaggio] (public admin chat. color=blue)
/reports (to see last 3 reports)
/reportsoff (to close last reports window)
/fix (To fix your vehicle)
/admincmd1 (to see a list of all admin comands)
/getip [id] (To see Player Info: IP and all names that player used in the past)
/playerdata [id] (To see all stats of a player)
/setskintome [skin id] (to set yourself a skin)
/announce [messaggio] (Big announce from admins in the middle of the screen)
/jetp (it gives you a Jetpack)
/lock (To Lock your vehicle)
/unlock (To UnLock your vehicle)
/setweather [weather id] (To change server weather)
/settime [hour] (To change server's world time)
/admincmd2 (to see the list of the admin commands which have action on EVERY PLAYER CONNECTED)
/spec [id] (you can watch a player with his CAMERA = Spectating mode ON)
/specoff [id] (Spectating mode OFF)
/heal [id] [health] (To set health to a player)
/healall[ID] Give all heal and armour
/armour [id] [armour] (To set armour to a player)
/fixpv (To fix the vehicle to a player)
/flip (To flip your vehicle)
/gmx (To restart GM)
/forbidword [word] (to censure a word)
/muted (to see who (online players) is muted)
/unmute [id] (To unmute a player)
/warn [id] [reason] (To give warnings to a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/burn [id] (To burn a player)
/givecar [id] [car name] (To Give a vehicle to a player)
/explode [id] (To explode to a player)
/goto [id] (To teleport yourself to an other player)
/get [id] (To teleport a player to you)
/freeze [id] (To Freeze a player)
/unfreeze[id] (To unfreeze a player)
/jailed (to see who (online players) is jailed)
/jail [id] [minutes] (To jail a player for some minutes [from 1 to 84525164412])
/unjail [id] (To UnJail a player)
/kick [id] [reason] (To kick a player)
/ban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player)
/eject [id] (To Eject a player from his vehicle)
/disarm [id] (To reset weapons to a player)
/die [id] (To kill a player)
/setplayerweater [id] [weather id](To set a weather to a player)
/setplayertime [id] [hour] (To set a hour to a player)
/aheal (To set health to 100 to all players)
/aarmour (To set armour to MaxArmour to all players => 99)
/rangeban [id] [reason] (To BAN a player more powerfully)
/crash [id] (To Crash the game to a player)
/setname [id] [new name] (To set a different name to a player)
/givemoney [id] [ammount] (To give money to a player)
/setscore [id] [score] (To set score to a player)
/setplayerinterior [id] [int id] (To set an interior "interior" to a player "id")
/vixualworld [1-2] (Change you world]
/ccars (to remove ALL spawned vehicles: it deletes only spawned vehicles witl /veh. Not vehicles in GM!!!)
/cchat (to clear all chat)
/reset [id] (To reset weapons, health, armour and money to a player)
/resetwarnings [id] (To Reset all warnings: warnings from command /warn, Flood-warnings, Ping-Warnings)
/setskin [id] [skin id] (To set a skin to a player)
/teleplayer [id] [player] (To teleport a player "id" to an other player "player")
/vgoto [id] (To tele you to a player with your vehicle)
/vget [id] (To teleport a player to you with his vehicle)
/setgravity [gravity] (8 is standard gravity)
/tempadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin only for ONE connection)
/weapon [id] [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to a player)
/getvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it checks his vehicle's health)
/setvhealth [id] (If a player is in a vehicle, it sets health to his vehicle)
/removeweapon [id] [weapon] (to remove a weapon to a player)
/amute (To mute all players)
/aunmute (To unmute all players)
/afreeze (To Freeze all players)
/aunfreeze (To Unfreeze all players)
/asetskin [SKIN ID] (Set all player skin]
/god (GOD MODE On)
/sgod (GOD MODE Off)
/reloadzadmin (to reload Zadmin4.2)
/unloadzadmin (to unload Zadmin4.2)
/makemegodadmin (ONLY FOR ADMIN RCON: First login to make yourself admin. It will set you MaxAdminLevel = 10)
/makeadmin [id] [level] (To make a player admin)
/makevip [id] [level] (to make a new VIP)
/removevip [id] (to remove a VIP)
/ajail (To jail all players)
/aunjail (To unjail all players)
/akick (To kick all players => Not who uses it)
/aban (To ban all players => Not who uses it)
/adisarm (To disarm all players)
/areset (To reset all to all players)
/asetskin (To set a skin to all players)
/aslap (To slap all players)
/aexplode (To explode all players)
/aget (To get all players to you)
/adie (To kill all players)
/aweapon [weapon name] [ammo] (To give a weapon to all players)