28.07.2017, 21:14
Last edited by SlowARG; 06/03/2019 at 04:51 AM.
Nobody's Firewall
Simple firewall that protect your server against query/cookie flood.
Current version: 0.1 BETA FIX #2.Simple firewall that protect your server against query/cookie flood.
••• Description •••
Nobody Firewall (aka nfwall) is a simple —but powerful— firewall for SA-MP that protect your server against query flood/cookie flood attacks.
••• Why? •••
I didn't program for some years ago and i've retired from SA-MP. Recently a friend asked me for help with pawn and... I don't know, simply i want'd to program in C again and i noticed that the actual anti 'server full' attacks haven't been updated for some months, so i decided to work in a new firewall that protect the servers against known query flood and the cookie flood for SA-MP 0.3.7.
••• Features •••
• Open Source.
• Programmed purely in C.
• Use lipbcap.
• Ban logs.
• Debug mode.
• Actually runs only on Linux (i will relese a multi-so version soon).
••• Dependences •••
• libpcap. (https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap)
••• Downloads •••
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.
••• Special thanks •••
• n3ptun0 (aka Stella) for his firewall for SA-MP 0.3e.
• Silver Moon for his base code.
Y̶u̶p̶,̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶o̶o̶r̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶.̶