17.07.2017, 10:16
Is this a good Anti Fake Kill ? If not how to make it more success +REP if helped
Is this a good Anti Fake Kill ? If not how to make it more success +REP if helped
//anti fake kill new antifakekill[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { antifakekill[playerid] ++; SetTimerEx("antifakekill2", 1000,false,"i",playerid); return 1; } forward antifakekill2(playerid); public antifakekill2(playerid) { antifakekill[playerid] --; if(antifakekill[playerid] > 3) { new string[64], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,pName,MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(string,sizeof string,"* %s was banned reason (Fake kill)",pName); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,string); BanEx(playerid, "Fake kill"); } return 1; }