UltraStunting - Stunts, Racing, DM, Minigames

Website: www.ultrastunting.com
Server IP:

Member created trailer video, Click image to watch.
UltraStunting is a pure stuntage server, First opened in 2010 it has grown and grown to what it is today. Over the years we have incorporated more and more features and a better and better community, Not just friends but family.
We now also offer Racing with the fastest racers time kept on record and displayed on race setup, Deathmatching with killing spree's, Duel system to take the fight directly to your enemy on a 1v1 basis & many other minigames.

All of our maps are member created, We don't use any maps from samp itself, Our members work hard on their creations and we proudly display them in all there glory on our server.

- Unique Lounge to spawn in with Member quotes about server proudly displayed
- Our own Anti-Cheat system that removes many cheaters daily
- Advanced Housing system with user furniture
- Racing system
- 1v1 Dueling system
- Unique challenges mapped by our own members, Each with their own Difficualty rating
- Achievement system
- Many Minigames including Derby & Fallout
- Group system for private clan chats
- Saveable Player Attachments
- And Many, Many more

A Little History
Originally created by myself in 2010, UltraStunting started off small and over the years as turned into what it is today. In 2012 i decided to leave due to IRL commitments and the wonderful guy most of you should know called Garsino took over. He turned US into what it is today and we thank him for it. Hes still a wonderful guy and still pops by every now and then. I later returned when Garsino retired and myself and fellow owner 'TheKing1220' have been running it ever since taking turns to code a update and its a great way to work. Myself and King have known each other for 10+ years now and that trust we both have in each other shows very much in our work. You can see a very much more detailed history over on our website here > http://ultrastunting.com/index.php/topic,910.0.html

So, If your interested come and join us and say hello. We're a very welcoming bunch of people and im sure your fit right in straight away!.

In the meantime, Here's a list of a few member created videos,

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