Online server help =(

I belive that i opened my ports right If not point out what i have done wrong?

But when my server is up the ping of my server is 9999 and only I can connect, I want it on via internet not lan.

I thought i would make it clearer as in my other thread i did not get any help.


It works, i tried adding to my favourates using the host name and not the ip adress. sorry guy, o well at least i now know

Originally Posted by Westie
What IP are you giving out to people?
Ive done it thanks. im quiet happpy now

Scrap that. what ip should i be giving them, the ping is low now but i gave him the ip adress and it did not work. he said he couldnt connect?

Well i have added the server to my favourts with the ip like you said and mine is fine with a ping of 3-10. and i give my friend the ip that you said on ipchicken. with the ports, and his does not work. does that mean i havnt opend the ports correctly?

I just checked something and i got:
Connecting to server?: Failure
Is server in masterlist?: Yes


Anyone willing to help? Please!

Originally Posted by aidiewright
Port Range can be set to
TCP 7777 - 7777 Translate to 7777 - 7777 Trigger Protocol TCP Trigger Port 7777
UDP 7777 - 7777 Translate to 7777 - 7777 Trigger Protocol UDP Trigger Port 7777

I had that problem too.
Just don't fill in the trigger port, leave it empty

Port Range 7777 - 7777
Translate to 7777

So now it should work?

Yeh that should work, thats how i used to have my bt hub set up

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