[Tool/Web/Other] Cool and Simple Landing Page

I got bored and decided to make a simple, quick, and clean landing page.
  • Only two files.
  • Modern and sleek
  • Dark, doesn't hurt the eyes.
  • Uses the latest CSS3 animations.
Credit to Geoff Graham for the typewriter code snippet.

If you want to make a mirror for the file above, go ahead. I'll update the thread with them.

Use github, especially useful for version control.

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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Use github, especially useful for version control.
Nevermind, it's a lot easier than I thought. Github link added.

I'm quite surprised only HTML and CSS can perform this, I'm not an expert on those languages, just know my way around. Very good share, I'll sure it to learn how to do these fine tricks, thank you.

It's cool, thanks for the share.

Nice CSS

Thanks for the feedback.

Don't script when you are bored, script from heart , BTW nice one

I love when people say "I made" when half of the work was already done for them. It took me five seconds to find out that half (if not more) of the CSS is a straight up copy from css-tricks.com. And of course no credit is given.

Originally Posted by Vince
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I love when people say "I made" when half of the work was already done for them. It took me five seconds to find out that half (if not more) of the CSS is a straight up copy from css-tricks.com. And of course no credit is given.
To be fair, I did make this a while ago and just now decided to revise it and release it. I'll add credit where it's due. Though, I did have to add certain CSS and HTML aspects that weren't there originally to make it the way it is now.
I support giving credit to who does the work.

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