Array index out of bounds

Server is working fine, but however something is effecting the death list

Server Logs

17:25:39] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:25:39] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 1000
[17:25:39] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:25:39] [debug] #0 000664a8 in public CB_OnPlayerTakeDamage (0, 65535, 1084122727, 54, 3) from CODv15.amx
[17:25:39] [debug] #1 0001337c in public OnPlayerTakeDamage (0, 65535, 1084122727, 54, 3) from CODv15.amx

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(Captureing{playerid} == true && killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
new killcp[100];
format(killcp,sizeof(killcp),"%s Has Prevented %s From Capturing The Zone & Recieved +1",pName(killerid), pName(playerid));
if(reason == 50)
    new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Message1[128];
    GetPlayerName(killerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
    format(Message1, sizeof(Message1), "{FF9E00}[AC]Cheat Buster Has Fined %s For {FF9E00}Heli-Blade/Car Parking", Name, playerid);
    SCM(killerid, red, "You Are Killed, Fined 2,500$ & 2 Score For Heli-Blade/Car Parking");
 	if(gClass[playerid] == DEMOLISHER) {
	new Float:APos[3];
	HHelmet{playerid} = false;
	if(IsPrototyping{playerid })
	    IsPrototyping{playerid } = false;
	    TogglePlayerAllDynamicCPs(playerid, 1);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "ERROR: You Died While Capturing The Enemy's Prototype.");

It's pointing to OnPlayerTakeDamage so why are you posting OnPlayerDeath? And in OnPlayerTakeDamage you may as well want to check that issuerid is not INVALID_PLAYER_ID (65535) because a player can take damage from other sources than weapons, including but not limited to fall damage.

Oh lol, yes wrong callback.

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
    if (issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
     new str[1500];
     TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, damage2[playerid]);
     format(str,sizeof(str),"~r~%s -%.2f ~n~~r~%s", pName(issuerid), amount, WeaponNames[weaponid]);
     TextDrawSetString(damage2[playerid], str);
     TempoMostrarLife2[playerid] = SetTimerEx("HideTextoLife2", 3000, 0, "i", playerid);
     MostrandoVida2[playerid] = 1;

     TextDrawShowForPlayer(issuerid, damage[issuerid]);
     format(str,sizeof(str),"~g~%s -%.2f ~n~~g~%s", pName(playerid), amount, WeaponNames[weaponid]);
     TextDrawSetString(damage[issuerid], str);
     TempoMostrarLife[issuerid] = SetTimerEx("HideTextoLife", 3000, 0, "i", issuerid);
     MostrandoVida[issuerid] = 1;
     PlayerPlaySound(issuerid , 17802, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    if(HHelmet{playerid} == true) return HHelmet{playerid} = false, GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~n~~w~Your Anti-Headshot Helmet Is Destroyed", 2000, 3);
    if(NoHS == 1 && AntiSK[playerid] == 0 && GetPlayerTeam(issuerid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid) && weaponid == 34 && bodypart == 9 && PlayerInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 0)
            SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~n~~r~HEADSHOT", 3000, 3);
            GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~n~~g~HEADSHOT", 3000, 3);
            PlayerInfo[issuerid][Headshots] ++;
            new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:fDistance, hsMessage[90], KName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], PName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
			GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
			fDistance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(issuerid, x, y, z);
			GetPlayerName(issuerid, KName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
			GetPlayerName(playerid, PName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
			PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
			PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(issuerid, "");
	        format(hsMessage, sizeof(hsMessage), "%s has Headshotted %s from the distance of %0.2f", KName, PName, fDistance);
	        SendClientMessageToAll(green, hsMessage);
	if(gTeam[issuerid] != gTeam[playerid])
	if(weaponid == 4 && bodypart == 9)
	SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0.0);
	if(gTeam[issuerid] == gTeam[playerid] && gTeam[playerid] != -1 && gTeam[issuerid] != -1)
	   	GameTextForPlayer(issuerid,"~r~Don't attack your team mates!", 3000, 3);
	if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
	  	new str[26];
	  	format(str, sizeof(str),"-%.0f", amount);
      	SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, str, 0xFF0000FF, 100.0, 2000);
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][God] == 1)
		SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 1000.0);
		GameTextForPlayer(issuerid,"~r~Don't attack admins on-duty!", 3000, 3);
    return 1;
This is the right one

Like Vince said:

if(gTeam[issuerid] != gTeam[playerid])
Could easily be the cause if someone gets damaged from something else than a weapon/Player.

Just add a check if the issuerid is valid before accessing any Arrays with issuerid.

Originally Posted by NaS
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Like Vince said:

if(gTeam[issuerid] != gTeam[playerid])
Could easily be the cause if someone gets damaged from something else than a weapon/Player.

Just add a check if the issuerid is valid before accessing any Arrays with issuerid.
it's already on the code, Please see above

Originally Posted by Matthew57
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it's already on the code, Please see above Anyone Fix Please!
Only parts of the code is safe. The issuerid check isn't done on the lower part of the code (which I quoted from). So either put that part into the first if() brackets too, or add another check.

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