Business Loading [MySql]

So, I have a problem. When the businesses start loading, only business ID 0 loads and when I try to load them manually IG one by one with a command, it says that the loading is failed.

Here's the Business loading code:

LoadBusinesses() {
	query[0] = 0;
	format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT `business`.`id`,`name`,`owner`,`c1`.`username`,`extortion`,`c2`.`username`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`business`.`interior`,`type`,`value`,`locked`,`entrancefee`,`till`,`products`,`maxproducts` FROM `business` LEFT JOIN `characters` AS `c1` ON `business`.`owner` = `c1`.`id` LEFT JOIN `characters` AS `c2` ON `business`.`extortion` = `c2`.`id`");
	mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, query, true, "onLoadBusiness", "");

public onLoadBusiness() {
	new data[1728],id_val;
	new Float:f_val;
	new rows,fields;
	printf("Number of businesses: %d\n", rows);
	for(new index=0;index<rows;index++) {
		new i = findFreeBusiness();
		cache_get_row(index, 0, data); //business SQL id
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessID] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 1, data); //business name
		cache_get_row(index, 2, data); //owner SQL id
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessOwner] = id_val;
		if(Business[i][EBusinessOwner] == 0) {
		} else if(Business[i][EBusinessOwner] == -1) {
			format(Business[i][EBusinessOwnerName],MAX_PLAYER_NAME,"The State");
		} else {
			cache_get_row(index, 3, data); //owner username
		cache_get_row(index, 4, data); //extortion
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessExtortionist] = id_val;
		if(id_val != 0) {
			cache_get_row(index, 5, data); //extortionist username
		cache_get_row(index, 6, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessEntranceX] = f_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 7, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessEntranceY] = f_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 8, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessEntranceZ] = f_val;

		cache_get_row(index, 9, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessExitX] = f_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 10, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessExitY] = f_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 11, data);
		f_val = floatstr(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessExitZ] = f_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 12, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessInterior] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 13, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBType] = EBusinessType:id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 14, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessPrice] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 15, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessLocked] = id_val;
		Business[i][EBusinessVW] = i+BIZ_VW_OFFSET;
		cache_get_row(index, 16, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessEntranceFee] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 17, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessTill] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 18, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessProducts] = id_val;
		cache_get_row(index, 19, data);
		id_val = strval(data);
		Business[i][EBusinessMaxProducts] = id_val;
		Business[i][EBusinessPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(Business[i][EBusinessOwner]>0?1239:1239, 16, Business[i][EBusinessEntranceX], Business[i][EBusinessEntranceY], Business[i][EBusinessEntranceZ]);
		getBiz3DLabelText(i, data, sizeof(data));
		Business[i][EBusinessText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(data, 0xFFFFFFFF, Business[i][EBusinessEntranceX], Business[i][EBusinessEntranceY], Business[i][EBusinessEntranceZ]+1.5,10.0);
		if(!IsDealership(i) && !IsFishStore(i) && !IsCarRental(i))
			Business[i][EBusinessExitPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1318, 16, Business[i][EBusinessExitX],Business[i][EBusinessExitY],Business[i][EBusinessExitZ], Business[i][EBusinessVW], Business[i][EBusinessInterior]);
		printf("Loaded business ID %d\n",Business[i][EBusinessID]);
	if(bizinit == 0) {
		bizinit = 1;
	printf("Businesses loaded.\n");

If anyone could help me, I'll rep him. Thanks.

What error are you getting?

I don't get any error, but it just spawns business ID 0, but says there are 115 businesses. In the Database are also 115 businesses.

It only loads ID 0.

Originally Posted by dakata994
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I don't get any error, but it just spawns business ID 0, but says there are 115 businesses. In the Database are also 115 businesses.

It only loads ID 0.
After you make a business, try restarting the server and see if it appears.

Originally Posted by aoky
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After you make a business, try restarting the server and see if it appears.
Still only ID 0 business loads. I tried changing the ID in the Database, but it loads only one.

Try to run that query in your PHPMyAdmin, does it show all the rows? Or only the first?

Originally Posted by roun512
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Try to run that query in your PHPMyAdmin, does it show all the rows? Or only the first?
It shows all the businesses. It's working, but it doesn't load them all IG.

Honestly, you should change the way you load data from the database. It's a bit hard to read.

Here is an example of the first few lines in your function. You can continue the rest.

public onLoadBusiness() {
	new rows,fields;
	printf("Number of businesses: %d\n", rows);
	for(new index=0;index<rows;index++) {

		new i = findFreeBusiness();

		Business[i][EBusinessID] = cache_get_row_int(index, 0); // business SQL id
		cache_get_row(index, 1, Business[i][EBusinessName], 1, 64); // business name

		Business[i][EBusinessOwner] = cache_get_row_int(index, 2); // owner SQL id

		if(Business[i][EBusinessOwner] == 0)
		else if(Business[i][EBusinessOwner] == -1)
			format(Business[i][EBusinessOwnerName],MAX_PLAYER_NAME,"The State");
			cache_get_row(index, 3, Business[i][EBusinessOwnerName], 1, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); //owner username
If you still want to go with your way, are you sure that findFreeBusiness() is working correctly?

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