17.02.2017, 16:48
Last edited by HeisenGiromB; 07/09/2017 at 10:07 PM.
GiromB System VIP ( G-VIP )
Hi bros, I have come to bring this FILTERSCRIPT so that it can be studied by beginners and it can also serve as a basis. thanks for listening ( I accept suggestions for future releases)
Commands (RCON):
Commands( Vip)
° Create folder "GVips" in scriptfiles
°Do not remove credits
No bug found, if they find it report to be fixed ...
Remembering that it is a very simple system
° Creators of includes( ZCMD, DOF2 and SSCANF )
°GiromB ( FS)
°SAMP Team by the samp
P.S: Sorry my bad english '~'
Hi bros, I have come to bring this FILTERSCRIPT so that it can be studied by beginners and it can also serve as a basis. thanks for listening ( I accept suggestions for future releases)
Commands (RCON):
/Setvip id days /delete id |
/CVip --> chat vip /kitvip --> weapons vip /life /armour /Spawn /jetpack /nitro /Vips -> Vips online |
° Create folder "GVips" in scriptfiles
°Do not remove credits
No bug found, if they find it report to be fixed ...
Remembering that it is a very simple system
° Creators of includes( ZCMD, DOF2 and SSCANF )
°GiromB ( FS)
°SAMP Team by the samp