17.02.2017, 11:50
Hello Guy !
- I am making phone book system that player /phonebook it will show dialog first dialog player have to type the name(pla pla pla..) then it will show another dialog player have to type the phone number all is fine but i don't know how to save all information that player have type 2 dialog
-i have create a table phonebook in my gamemode datebase and make 2 field is: name and number
how can i save all information that player have type
- I am making phone book system that player /phonebook it will show dialog first dialog player have to type the name(pla pla pla..) then it will show another dialog player have to type the phone number all is fine but i don't know how to save all information that player have type 2 dialog
-i have create a table phonebook in my gamemode datebase and make 2 field is: name and number
how can i save all information that player have type